p. 01
« APr-248
rt«>. iiMiuii KtPtopucnon or -rvo-PtEca pajaha*-
1. s»* th* Iton! ***** 10 you won • t *et thit el*ed up
2. 2łg u* Tho h»« *d»* of the lagt.
!. Se* th* lec* on lhw Ueii folii l ul eloag th* top *d*0 of t*« lut >o ta* logo.
A. Tum tho lec* dew* ang *«* lb« Son In plac*.
5. S«w th« MCI aea*.
A. Zm * th« m»id« l«t miki.
7. 21* to* tho edg* of tb« v*l»t.
■ Turn tle eleetie caetng down end In
pl *00 • - te tvlng *n openln* to run th* tUotlc thraogh.
0 U«» t/ł ta, eleatio-wltlt « lefotp >1* Oli IM and
tu* It tbTOUgb tho eaatng.
10. Hel Ib* *n«> togetbor and ... tle e.atn* elooia.
*2a«. s:nIŁAB PgPROnUCTfOfl | |
Of •TwO- PI CC* PAfaHAl". | |
PAPAI CAHtg, bOOZ, | |
IAPBJZ mUlSiS- V0Ł.I . |
P.A1. |
Cut • sltcc Of »l*a Mterlll l ln. aide by 5 Im, leng for the collac facicg Sew tho ahouldoc ***»*. fig aa* the edg. el tbe aleeve*.
21* >e* tle Oblrt faola* *«**.
Sew lace on tbe front en tbe Ho* Ibdlcaled on th« p*tt*ra--pct*ł.
Son t lon# atltcb at tle top ot the aleeeea.
Itea tbe edg* of Ib* tlee.c.
Pin th* *lctv« la th* arithol*--agjuat tle ł*tt.ri--«nJ •*•-Sew the collar aada.
Clij> th* corn«r>--twin ano »cw a loag otltch o* the ccli.r naci łd*«. Tła th* collar te tle nęci op.nini--aJju.t th* allgtit fulllneaa.
Sew th* collat ln plac*.
Turn th* oollar down and tri* nff about 1 la fron th* «dg*.
21* za* the Mai faciu* *d*e, aoldlng lt atratgbt aow th* collat ln plac*.
5aw th« >&da miki •
21* za* atltoh tho he* edg*.
Turn th* hen up and icw ln place.
Sew map* wlth a button on top down tbe front ul-the »»lrt for oloeln*.
fil* la a aoch r*qa*tted pattern.