p. 01
• APF-39
#>•> SXX tltct PAKT* SUIT
1. fln blouao front to blouao bach *io»c aldo narkod A. Sow.
2. fold bios ploco and atay »UUh.
3. Turn back hoa on blouao back--aow.
A. fit blaa cołlar around tho ncck of lho blouae.
Sou in płaco and finlah tl« coda.
3. Sow tho aldo itaBi*-clIpplng »t tho undorara Curv« 6. finlah th« hoa Mich a tig-raj siltch and aow anapa
on tko back opoolne*
#39 SXX Piece Pante Suit
1. Sow coli ar onda.
2. fln dart In tho ahirt frooi--aoM.
4. S
S. fln collar In płaco foldlnc tho faelac back ©vcr tho onda of tho coilar. SoM--tutA and band aow tho back of tho cołlar to finlah. A. Sov tho aldo aoaaa and tl|-ia| tho hoa od(o.
?. Sow aaalł bultona down tho front wlth snaps undornoath.
1. Sow tho cołłar odeoa.--clip cornora and turn--proaa.
2. Kark tho faclag fold* on tho Jackot.
3. fln tho ałoovoa In tho Jackot--aow.Clip tho alocvo oponinca.
4. Sow tho aloovo tocothor aaklne a ahouldor aoaa.
5. fln cołłar around tho nock «de«--foldinę tho front faclne ovor tho collar--aew loawlae tho top cołlar łooao. thon hand aow tho top cołłar down.
6. Lap jackot and aow on tho anapa for cłoatn(. Sew but ton* on top to look llko a doublo broaatod )ackor