24 (522)

24 (522)


PLAG ORDER 3434RE 18    3 july 1977

AH SO Or«» »nd Uhm*


Scwt* Qu*b Tn—wry

mm FUf Order wat mmd m PO 3434RD45RA. RPF Scries 34. lume 011*1 li li hcrcby rtuwd on 8 May 1997 10 delcie non-LRH data and correct the PO and RPF Serie* numbers and che ugnamry )

RPF Senes 18


1.    RPF co-auditing—no donation reąuested.

2.    RPF revitw auditing by RPFcn—no domtion reąuested.

2A. RPF auditing by Qual—same donation as public for that org or area payabfte by the RPF auditor who madę it necessary.

2B C/Srng by an RPF C/S—no donation reąuested.

2C. Spec tal C/Sing by a non-RPF C/S—same donation as public in that org or area.

3.    Read-it, dnll-it, do-it course actions done in the RPF—no donation reąuested.

4 Crvnmmg if done in the RPF—no donation reąuested.

4A Cramming if done by the org—same donation as reąuested frotn public.

5.    PTS/SP Detection. Routing and Handling Chccksheet—no donation reąuested

6.    New Era Dianctics Course done in the RPF—same donation as reąuested front org or area public.

7.    Mini Confesiłonai Course Chccksheet done in thc RPF—no donation reąuested.

8.    RPF Basic Hat—no donation reąuested.

9.    Cicaning Chccksheet—no donation reąuested.

10.    Retread courses (retreading any RPF-taught courscs)—$500.00.

11.    Meters, books and materials—regular org donation.

12.    Fuli cost of any materia! damage done.

Unpuhltshcd Work C l«T7 I. Kon HuhhonJ Ubrar.


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Ćwiczenia grafomotoryczne11 Połącz kolejne kropki. Pokoloruj otrzymany obrazek kredkami. 24 25 23 22

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