5 (1286)

5 (1286)


10 June 1974


AM SO Orgs ud Units RPFs

Senior Quals

(Cancels and replaces FO 3434RD, RPF Serici 1, THE REHABILITATION PROJECT FORCE.)

RPF Sedes I


Even if ccrtain crcw members as individuals wish to succumb, they havc no right whatever to threaten or harm others by grave omissions, ignorancc and errors. No one challenges the right of an individual to succumb. But he has no right to injure or murder others by omission or commission.

The RPF is in actual fact a system of reeruiting by taking people off the lines who are blocking things and then not letting them back on lines until they are a valuable operating Staff member.

When somebody goofs up badly and he’s stopping lines and so forth, move him over to the RPF and get him off the lines—even tech lines. That has the virtue of letting the crcw itself go on up to OT. Not all the time is being invested in those goofing badly. So they will move up the lines as they wish. But that gets them off the lines.

We now fili in the lines with non-R/Sing people and we can keep building it up and we will build it up toward an OT ship.

That’s how it was figured out with that combination so the scene could be changed, and it worked. There were actual products coming out after that.

You sometimes don’t get this done because you don’t have anybody standing by to feed in. So you also have to get some reeruits in to make this opera te.


The Rehabilitation Project Force came into being on 7 Jan. 74.

Prior to the creation of the RPF it was found, on board Flag, that a number of PTSes were offloaded but the R/Sers who madę them so were ignored and the ship went into Treason.

All efforts (spectacular on International lines by stats) to improve the scene produced little or nothing intemally.

The reason no improvement could be madę was due to unhandled R/Sers (many of whom were severely destructive and R/Sers dominant in Tech and Qual) who cancelled out any effort to improve things.

My conclusion was that unless the worst R/Sers were segregated fforn the crcw, there would be no improvement. Hence the RPF.

Uiipuhluihcd Work O creatcd 1974, 1997 L Ron Hubhard Library All RighU Reacrvcd


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