21 (684)
36 The Viking Age in Denmark

Figuro 7 B. ‘After Jelling’ stones in Skinę. Signatures as in Fig. 7 A. L = thc city ofLund
a rcgional pattern would emerge, covering a period of sonie twcnty-five or fifty years, and madę up entirely of men whosc fathcrs, mothers and wives were all gone at the time of death and whose sons were not old enough to take over their position. A suggestion is that the persons representcd in this sub-clustcr were connected, for a couple of generations, with the active manning of the longships of Kings Sven and Knud in the Baltic district. Furthermore, roads were maintained; someone, for instance, is cited as responsible for building a bridge.29 In return a grant of land was given, which must have comprised at least as much as a village, or the equivalent, as we learn from one ofthe Stones where the brother ‘had’ this.30 Another brother was a ship's captain, and one of the faeller ‘did not flee at Uppsala (in Sweden), but fought as long as he had wcapons’.31 Three, perhaps four, brothers and the małe relativc referred to were drengs, in this connection possibly captains of warships (‘styresmaend’, steersmen), like the faelle and dreng Erik who fell during King Sven’s siege of Hedeby.32
In about 1025, after the conquest of England, the obligations may have discontinued and the holdings have fallen to the family at large, as in thc case of the eastern persons of the south Skane cluster. In the eastern sub-cluster, apart from the father of a dreng mentioncd above, we have three thegns, a bomand (residing man, perhaps a petty
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57 (213) 108 The Viking Age in Denmark Platę IV. Silvcr and copper dccorated spurs, length about 2196 (91) 186 The Viking Age in Denmark Sporup (Mujler-Willc 1976, 21) Thumby-Bienebek C S (Muller-Wil36 (350) 66 The Viking Age in Denmark type hall, up to thirty mctres long, which lacks the linę of r58 (195) 110 The Viking Age in Denmark Platę VI. Sample from late tenth-century silver-hoard at Taru60 (189) 114 The Viking Age in Denmark Platc X. Ship-sctting and runestonc (on smali mound) at Glave62 (179) 118 The Viking Age in Denmark Plato XIV. Iron tools from a tenth-ccntury hoard atTjclc, nor63 (170) 120 The Viking Age in Denmark % Platę XVI Pagc with illustration of an English manuscript f64 (171) 122 The Viking Age in Denmark Figurc 30 Distribution of wealth in three cemeteries as measu66 (160) 126 The Viking Age in Denmark have becn fouhd (Figs 32-3).7 They stem from thc same provinc68 (153) 130 The Viking Age in Denmark two tortoise bucklcs to reprcsent wornen of high standing, th69 (151) 132 The Viking Age in Denmark heavy cavalry burials, fincr wcapon graves of thc simple type70 (150) 134 The Viking Age in Denmark cemetcry at Lejre on Sjaelland a dccapitatcd and ticd man was74 (134) 142 The Viking Age in Denmark 5C~ł silver 800 900 kxx) A.D. Figurę 37 Fluctuations in che r75 (129) 144 The Viking Age in Denmark Figurę 38 Average weight ofthesilver-hoardsofthe period 900 t27 (504) 48 The Viking Age in Denmark Europcan meteorological data for earlier per29 (466) 52 The Viking Age in Denmark We have already mentioned the expansion of grasses, and it is30 (454) 54 The Viking Age in Denmark touch, so the political developmcnt we have described in previ31 (444) 56 The Viking Age in Denmark pig SO- A horse B 50- 50 cattle 50" sheep (Qoat) Figurę 132 (433) 58 The Viking Age in Denmark and from a rurąl scttlemcnt, Elisenhof, less than fifty kilomewięcej podobnych podstron