27 (179)

27 (179)

Wooden furniture polish no. 4

This works equally well on wood effect/laminated products as well as real    zo

wood. The vinegar smell disappears quickly leaving the clean smell of lavender behind. This is a tiny recipe, but a little of it goes a long way and theres no point in mixing and storing a large batch unless you use it quite freguently.

30ml/1/8 cup lavender base oil (or plain olive or other vegetabie oil)

1 tablespoon cider vinegar 1 tablespoon vodka 10 drops oil of lavender

Mix all together well in a 120ml/4oz. squirt top bottle. apply and rub into the wood with a clean soft rag.

Vinyl cleaner

1 teaspoon to 30g/1/4 cup washing soda. and 225ml/1 cup boiling water. Dissolve the washing soda in the boiling water. Apply with sponge. wipe off with a damp cloth.


All Purpose Grease cutter

1/2 teaspoon washing soda

1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil-based liquid soap

3 tablespoons vinegar

450ml/2 cups hot water

Mix in spray bottle. spray and scrub, wipe clean.

Appliance cleaner no. 1

450ml/2 cups water

30g/1/4 cup oil-based soap

10 drops rosemary. Iavender or citrus essential oil

Combine all ingredients in a plastic spray bottle. Shake well before each use. Spray generously on appliance surface and wipe with a damp cloth or sponge. Wipe dry with a cloth or towel.


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