310 (14)

310 (14)

3 : Ectoparasitic skin diseases

Table 3:2: Identification of the principal inseds involved in feline skin disease.

(Techniques diagnostiques en dermatologie des camivores, Bourdeau P (editor Guaguere E.) pp 43-58 (PMCAC Editions, Paris 1991)


Felicola subrostratus


Beige with transverse brownish bands on the abdomen - 1 mm -wingless.

Large pentagonal head, truncated at the tip.

3-part antennae, slender legs.

Figurę 3 : i : Felicola subrostratus (adult) (x40) (courtesy of ENV Parasitology Laboratory, Lyon)

Figurę 3 : j: Felicola subrostratus nit (xl25) (courtesy of D.N. Carlotti)


Ctenocephalides spp.

Cat, dog, various mammals and sometimes man. Brownish.

1-3 mm - rounded head with no frontal tubercle - thorax well developed. Presence of 2 combs (ctenidia), one a horizontal comb on the head (genal comb) and the other on the prothorax (pronotal comb).

Ctenocephalides felis

Head elongated in the female - 9 spines on the genal comb 5-6 notches on the tibia of leg III.

Ctenocephalides canis

Head rounded in both sexes - 8 spines on the genal comb, the first one much smaller- 8 notches on the tibia of leg III.

Figurę 3 : k : Ctenocephalides felis (x40)

Pulex irritans

Man, sometimes cat, dog and various mammals.

Brownish - 1-4 mm - rounded head with no frontal tubercle - thorax well-developed - no combs (ctenidia)

1 sub-ocular bristle and 1 post-ocular bristle, both well-developed - 1 row of spines on the abdominal segments.

Archaeopsylla erinacei

Hedgehog, rodents, mustelids (weasel faniily), cat.

Brownish - 2-3 mm - short head with no frontal tubercle - thorax well-developed - 2 short spines.

Spilopsyllus cuniculi

Rabbit, sometimes hair, fox, mustelids, cat.

Brownish - 1-2 mm - angular head on the upper side - thorax welI-developed - 2 combs - genal comb is oblique with 4-7 blunt spines, 2 ocular bristles.

Echidnophaga gallinacea

Birds, dog, cat, various other mammals.

Brownish - 1-1.5 mm - head at a slight angle with a well-developed occipital lobe - palps with one segment - laciniae strongly toothed - thorax short (less than the length of the first abdominal segment).


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