III .8
Spocial Abbrevlałion C luster = werk 2cit into ns:<t arch unlil' Pop of -ach remains on liock. yo and llircu-oh all a locps on riock.
Mąko Geń, a! i! ,'«lo Crr.t ci-, ro form a ring. Ist round: 3ch(ćoun: as tdc), work I5cc into rir^, sl st into 3r<i of 2ch .V OCg of rc-jnd.
2nd round: ich. izc inio same st as I as: Sl Si." a: :-.!c ncxl cc. ‘[i sę, 7cli. 1 sej into nsxl oc. lsc into CUdi of next 2do: rep irc-Ti ’ 3 iirr-os morę Oinilting 2sc at Ono of fas*. rso. si st inly iirst sc.
3id round: 1cn, 1sc <;lo S3rr.f* si as is=: si st. ‘into noxl 7ch aren work [2hdc. t '/dc, 2Mc.} (1 sheli rr.adcj słup 2sc. lsc i"to nsx1 Sc: rap from * 3 Brnes morę omifting isc st =nc of tost rep. sl at lnic Iirst sc. dth round: Sl stinio eaoh offust^hdcsnd Ccc of firsr Shell, 1 ch. 1 sc into sarna st as last sl sl. 9ch. skip 5dc. lsc into I10xt cc. ’7ch. skipfirsl 2'r.ćzand 5oc on nexrsheli. lsc ln|o next dc, 9ch, skip 5co 1sc into nart dc; rep Ircm ‘ twce morę. 7ch. sl Sl irno tirst sc.
5th round: 3cń, *ir.to ncxl 9ch arch wurk IcdC. Itr. Sdc). 1dc in:o nsxt SC. 7do ir.to next 7ch sp.' dc into no.xl sc: rep trem ’ 3 1st round: Make 5ch. work 1 Sir into firsr ofi. sl si into f.Op ot 5ch.
2nd round: £ch (cpunlss ipir, 3ch). [łotr into ne>.l Ir. 3cn] 19 tiirfcs. sl s: into 5lli cf ech at beę of round. 20 sps.
3rd round: S: st into !irs: arch. ben (count 3S 1dtr), werk Idirintosairie aren as C- st. ■$Ch. [1 cluster into naxt arch, Geń] 19 timss. ?! sl into top of r rsl d-.r.
4th round: Wc;k 1 sl st into esen of firsl 3ch Ol first arch. ich. "sc into S-tmu arch as sl sts, |$c'. "isc into next Sch arch] 19 limes. 4ch. Itr nic Iirst sc.
5th round: 1 ch. lsc Into arch jus; fcmied. 9ch. [lsc into nex* 8ch arch 9cfv 19 tirr.es, sl si into firsl sc. Festen cff.
:irr es moro orr.itting 1 dc u? ono of last rcu. sl si into Cyd of 3ćh at oog cf rcitód. Fasten oh
SpeclalAbbreulstlon Bobble - work 2dlr into ch ur.nl 1 loop ol each reittains on hook. yo sndthiough all 4 ioops on hc-ok.
ist round: Make Gch. work 2dlr inro ffrst ch unlil 1 i-cop cf cuch remains on hook. yoand through al! 3 ionps on rock {bobble mado Ul 030 of round). kito sanie ch work [5:h. t bobruj 7 times. ?ch, 1 dc -.to top Of firsl fcobbie-
2nd round: Ich. work 1se inro arch iusl tormad. 6ch. ;1sc into next 5-Ch arch, 6ch] 7 rimes, sl st ir.tn Crsl sc.
3rd round: 51 st inro firsl Sch arch. 2-ćti (couni as 1ćc). werk 5dc into sama arch, 3ch, fecc j.-.to rsx1 €ch arch. 2cbj / times. S! st inro ‘Jrc ot 2ch al l)6g of rounc Fastsn olf.
^2 Abbreytstions ::-irl Sym-Ols ot: ^;>so 12