Ipecial AbbrevIaUons : etal = Ich. Itr into nex? sc.. 2ch. work 1 Ir
- . stem ci test :r t\vo thircs ci thfe way rrsn. 2ch. into stem of last Ir (two fttircs
- "io way down as before) work ['dc. .;~! twice. work: de Iwo Ihirds of the way -;w n Stern Ol lirsit*. 1ch. Iscimo nextdć. ::c bobble - work 3dC inlo riex: sc until
:op of each reraains on hook, yu and
- :ugh all 4 toops or; hcck.
GOI, st s! into first ch to form o ring, round: ich, work 1Sśc into ring, sl st
- : firsiso.
; -; round: 3Ch, work 2dc into same a?
sl st until ' locp of CCHCll cc remains 3r 1 -.uok, yo and tbrough all 3 (oops, (1 =:3 mśde a: bsg of round). I2ch. skip
- nz sc. i bobble into nexr scj 7 tlmos. cr sl st into ord Ol 3uh at oeg of round.
round: Sch (countas 100. 3ch). tso ras ' rsi 3dh ruch, 2ch, [1dc into nsxt -: 3. 2ch. I sc inro nsxt 3cii arch. 2ch] " ar es. s1 SI Ho 3:d cf Gch at oeg c: *rd.
mt: round: t ch, work 1 sc into same st as - : st. work 8 petals cmltling SC at enć ra:: peta!, 5 Sl into first sc. raster, cif.
= Petal
= 3dc bobbfc
Make 6ch. sl st into nrst ch 1o tern a ring ist round: 3ch (count as 1dc); work I9dc into ring. =-' st into 3rd ot 3ćb at beg of round.
2nd round: [11 ch. skip nex: dc. s! st into next dej 3 limes. 6ch. tnr into sl st cf prawous rccrJ.
3rd round: Si st nic oop jusi formed %h. i,hic same leop work (2cc. 3ch; 3dp], work [3dc. Sch. :.tdC; lilio each cf nex; S Iccps. sl śt into 3rd of 3ch at oeg of rouAd. Faston off.
Notę: Aner working 3rd round it may be necftssary to ease tne shells cf [3dC, 3ch, 3dc] to center of leop Icrrned :n previous round.
Work as given for III. 17 but working 1 rcund eacń in colors A. B and C.
Speclal Abbreviations
Tr2tog - work 2!r ihto ring until I loco Ol
ecicli reitiainson hook. yo and Ihrough all
3 loops oa Itcok.
Cluster - work 3dc into sp untii 1 locp cf «3Ch icmains on hcck. yo and through all
4 leops on hcck.
Make i Och. s-1 s: into first ch to form a ring. 1st round: 4ch. * Pinie ring. 2ch. into ring work |tr2loa 2ch] 11 tirr-es f.l 3: into first tr.
2r.Cf round: S: 3r into 2ch Sp. 3oh. into same- 2Ch*p as slst. work 2dcunK 1 !oop
01 each remains en liock. yo and :hrc‘_gh all 3 loops on hock (first dustor madel. 3oh. [I cijster into nex: 2ch sp. 3-sń.| n iimes, Si sl into rop of first clbStOr.
3rd round: 5cti (coun: as : hdc. tSęh), skip first 3ch arch, into H-x! 3cfi arch work \‘ cluster. 2ch. 1 ciuarer. 4ch, 1 cluster. 2ch. 1 cluste.'!. 3eh, ’skp riu/t 3:n 3rch. t hcc Into lup of r:ext cluster. 3ch. skip nexl 3ch ar ch, nto noxt 3ch arch v/crk [ l clus-ter. 2ch, 1 P.srer. 4oh. 1 clUStór. 2ch. f clnsiei, 3ch; reo from * tv/ce .nera. sl SI inlo 2rd cf Ser. a: bar; o1 rouric.
4th round: 1ch. werk tsc into same st as 'ac-t sl st. ’3sc into next 3Ch Sp. Isc into top of ncx! cluster. 2sc into naxt kcli Sp. Isc into nay: cluster, 5sc inlo nex: 4ch prcll. 1ac into 05x1 etuęrer. 2SC inlo next 2c.h sp, *. cc into nex: cluster. 3sc intc next 3ch. sp. If>c into nexi lidu: ryp fro.m ‘
2 limes morc ortiiliing tso at and of last rep, sl st into first sc- FasiCn oli.
A =Tr2tog ^ = Cluster