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We’re all about the joys of gardening, and you can enjoy it inside as ujęli as out!
You’ll find everything from flowers to fruit in this month’s gardening special
JUNE IS A GREAT MONTH for celebradng the garden and all diings green. Sunny days are herc again (finally!) and it s time to dig out your wellies and head down to the garden centre for some colourful bargains.
But while the dream of a complete re-landscape niight be a bit ‘pie in the sky’ for most of us, there s nothing easier than filling your home with some garden-themed stitchery to bring the outdoors indoors - and tłiey make great gifts too!
To inspire you, we Ve filled this issue with gorgeous projects on a green-fingered theme, from Anette Eriksson s quirky kitchen fruits to a jazzy 1970s-style table set byjacąui Pearce, fcaturing flower power at its very best. We’ve madę surę diere are ioads of great ideas for big and smali projects, so you re surę to find something to suit your time frame. Let us know what you decide to make, and happy stitching!
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Our retro rosę cushion has bags of VTctortan charm and stunningly fresh cołours
OOLLYMOCTURC Angeia Pooies cute peg doli on p9 is off on an adverrture!
SWEET TRŁATS This sewing kit on p12 comes with hand-iced biscuits
Felt flowers stitch kit
All you need to make two brooches!
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