40 (29)

40 (29)


Thfi sianing cnain ic/. rhis patiem lonr-5 puiol lite ;irsl row. arie ccntiruystofc-rm pan of t‘r? secono row.

1st row (right eiće): Maks IGch. sl st inio 8th eh iron hook, [~Ch, $' sl i nie sunie cli as as: sl sti lwice. '23ch. sl s: inio 8t'n eh from hock, [/eh, si 51 into.same eh as łasi s: 51] lwice; repfrom * r.s numherc- tlmes retJuifCU, {©no repout is shcwri in the diagram), make 8sh and Uirr. werk ,-ćsd)' 02nd row: make 7 morę ch. s! st intc 8*h ch from hook, /ch. sl st inio same cli as lusl s' s. 7ch. skip next 7ch loop, lac in:o next 7ch :op. '7c'n. skip /en on previous row. sl st imo r,oxi en, [7ch, sl sl inio same c- ss I35I sl sl] 3 limes. 7ch, skip ner 7cii krop. 1sc inio next 7ch leop: rep trem * :o łasi 8ch. 7eh. skip 7ch. imo last ch work [• sl st. 7ch. 1 s! st, -1ch. 11rj. tum. 3rd row: ich. 1sc inb lirst Ir. Tell. 1 sl si into ner sc.■7ch, l sl 53 imo same se 3? iast C? Sl] 3 limes. 7ch. Skip i«xl 7cli loop. 1sc inio rext 7ch loop; rep f'ęm * to sod, tum. 4tn row: [7ch. sl st into firsl sc] lwice. 7ch. skip ;>uxl 7cli loou, '.sc ir.to next7ch hep. ’7ch. sl st into nexl sc. [7ch. sl sr into same sc as last sl st] 3 tir es. 7ch. skip next 7ch loop. lec into n$xl /di locp; rep from ’ lo last sc. 7ch. into iast sc work (1 Si St.7Ch, t $ISI. 4cll. 15.r]. lut::.

Rep 3rd and 4lh rew?,.

Linę shows Ute diroclion o! wotk Ic-rwo rcv/s.

- sl st into nsxt st. [7ch. sl s: into same st as last sl st] 3 limes.

= 3 loop eluster = Paddlng threed

IV. 10

Special Abbrevialion 3 loop eluster - 7ch. sl sl inio lirst 01 ihese ch. ;6ch. sl =: into same ch as last sl si' tv.ee.

Make Ben. si si into first ch to form 3 ring. tstround: ich, work-og nlor.^ahdOi/C-f

p3dding threads. work 12sc. sl st nto t '31 SC.

2nd round:Gch (cocnt as 1h.de. 4oh), skip I -st 3sc. 1 rdc into nex: sc. [4ch. akip 2sc. i hec inio naxi sej 4 limes. ^ch. s1 sl inio 2nc or 6ch at bec of round.

3rd round: ter. work llsc. tlidc. 3dc. Ihric, t ;cl ir.10 each. Ol tne ó 4d". 3'Chessi st into first sc. (6 perals-.

4lh round: Woffcirig behind each pelul, sl st into base ot each of first 4 st.-.. [ćch. skip r.ext 0 sls. si st into base ol next dc] fi limes, work ng last sl 51 ir.to OCiSć O" Stimy dc as sl sl at beg cf round.

Sth round: Ich. work[isc. ih(ic;'dc, r.jr. 1 dc. * ■•■dc. t sc] i rrtc each of łhe 6 5ch ar-ches, sl st inro first ;c.

6th round: Working benind each pelal. sl si Into boso of ©ach of firsi 6 sls. [©ch sko next ' 0 sts. si s: into base ci nexl tr] 5 limes,3ch>. skipnc.d 10sls. i ir inio oase cf r:yxt*r.

7lh round: Simroarch jusi fermed, into

same arcli work [i SC. Goi'., Isc.!. Gch. 'ir: next arch work |1sc, ©Ch, isć). 50h; r.,-; (ton: ’ 4 tiir.es morę. sl st ir.to first sc.

Sth round: Si st into each ol insi 3ch cf €ch Icco, inio same loco v/c'k [150, ©cr. 1sc], Gch. Isc into nex1 Sch arch. S" 'ir.ro nexr fich lcx>p work [1$c, 6ch.

©ch. 1sc ir.to *ext Gch arch. Gch; rep fror

*    4 limo;, moiu, Sl Sl inio Insi Sc.

Sth round: $: si into each of first Sch ©Ch loop. nlo sarny leop work [Isc. G~ 1SC[, fich. [1 sc into nęxt ©ch arer . ©r lwica, 'into next fich leop work ilac. B: -Isc], fich [isc into nexl ©ch areń, ©r lwice: reo from * A tirr.es .mere. sl st

first $C-

lOth round: £: st imo sach of rrat 3ch p first Boh locp, into 55m$ loop wpfk [i 0; J oop c'uster. Isc] 6ch. [Isc into ne-©on arch. Soft] 3 limes, 'inio nexl Gch lc~ v/o:k [1sc, 3 loop eluster, Isc]. Gch. : inic r.«>xr ©ch arch. ©ch] 3 limos; .'CO I

*    4 limes mere. sl sl into lirst sc Fas:;' off.

wtiD-coiw^nj aro Symtols on paąe:


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