41 (33)

41 (33)


Startiro cnain: Any number of sts. p Noto: Sample photographed nas sla"4 Chain of 31 StS.

Work 2ac into 4th ch from licok. 3dc each ch I0 orid. Fasie- orf.



Make 8ch, si st into first eh to 'orni a ring. Ist round: Ich, werk IGsc into ring. sl st intc lirst sc.

2nd round: 5ch (coun: as Ido.2ęh), skip nett sc. [' dc into rtesł sc. 2ch. skip I sc] 7 timos. sl st into 3rd et 5ch a-, beg oi round. 3rd round: S st into 2ch sp. 1ch. werk [1 sc. 1 hdc. 1 do.! hdc, 1 sc] ln;o each o) Ihe 8 2cn sps. s' $t into lirst sc. (8 oetais).

4th round: Worki ro oeh -d each pctal. si st into tase Ot each ol nett 2 sts. 1ch. t sę into basu ol same dc as last sl st, [3ch, skip -1 sts, i so into oaso o! nex: cc] 7 limes, 3ch. sl st into Frs: sc.

5th round: $! st ino 3ch arch. Ich. work [1SC, t hele. 3dc. 1hdc. Isc] into each pf the 3 3ch srcres, sl sl n-0 lirst sc

6th round: Working sohind each pata s: st into boso ot each g? re« 3 sts’. tch. "< sc into basa ot Mtme dc as las: s! st. ;5cr. Skip 5 sts. Isc into bose of no»l dc] ~ lirr>fis; 5ch, Si S! into first sc.

7th round: Si st Into 5ch arch. Ich. wor>.

(tSC. t lidc. 5cc. 1hdc. Isc]inrocachc!r 3 Ech arches, Sl SI into first sc Sth round: Working behinc -aco pola'. Sl st irito Pass of estth of nett 4 sts. Ter Iscir.tc hase Of samo dc as last slst. f?cr Skip 8 sts. Isc into bass e' ncx.i dc] ~ limes. 7ch. sl into I '£• SC.

9lh round: Sl st -<tc 7ch arch. ich. wo>

[ I sc. 1 hcc • 7dC. 1 lidc. 1 sej into each ot r; 3 7cri arches. sl st into iirst sc.

10th round: Wotking behind each pet.5.

Sl sl in:o base c: each of noxt 5 sts. t cn t ?C into btrSO oi same dc 3S las: sl st,. [9c“ I skip 10 sts. Isc into baso c! nett dc] 7 limes. 9ch, s st into first sc.

1 !th round: Sl sl i ".to 9cń arch. Ich.-ag* [lsc.1hdc.9dc. 1 hcc. 1 sc| Into each of tr~

8 8ch ard»s. sl st into firśl sc. Fasten or

AbSfl3Vi£!teflS rsi:cl Syntats nr.


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