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Needlework, especially embroidery, was a highly acclaimed female accomplishment in medieval Europę and it is not surprising, therefore, that needlecases were worn by women from chatelaines as a status symbol as well as for convenience. The tradition can be traced back in England to 6th-century Kent when women were often buried wearing them (Brown 1974, 152-3). Few needlecases have been identified from later-medieval deposits and their smali size and the fact that many were madę from organie materials has meant that a large number has perished. The five cases recorded from recent DUA excavations in London thus form an important group, particu-larly as they reveal that changes took place in the way that they were madę and worn.

The earliest of the needlecases was recovered from a late 12th-century pit (ceramic phase 6). It was madę from the longbone of a bird and is pierced in the centre of the shaft with two pairs of holes (no. 1780, fig 256). Through these holes metal rings would have been inserted to enable the case to be suspended from a chain or girdle and on which other implements, such as cosmetic sets and keys, could have been placed as well. The cylinder would have been plugged at either

254 A method by which rectangular needlecases were madę from metal sheeting

255 Copper needlecase with iron needle which was found y inside it, no. 1784 (2:1)

256 Needlecases: lower centre MoL acc. no. 84.206/3(1:1)

end to prevent the needles from falling out, or the needles could have been inserted through a piece of cloth which was then placed inside the case. The form of the case can be compared with earlier examples in copper alloy from many sites in north-west Europę, and also one in bird bonę from Birka, Sweden (Graham-Campbell 1980, 22 no. 43). It is possible, therefore, that the bonę case from London is a lot older than the datę of the pit in which it was found.

The other cases, which were recovered from deposits dating to the late 13th and late 14th century (ceramic phases 9 and 11), are character-ised by side slots and separate caps. One madę from calf leather was catalogued in an earlier volume on scabbards in this series (Cowgill et al. 1987, no. 459). It is rectangular with a leather


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