43 (31)

43 (31)

V = Sc-Clones Knot

Ciones Knot

= Padding thread


Spec lal Abbroviations Ciones Knot - Hrdr.iw up u chan to re-Qd'Od tength and hola it in place, 'yain ovsr. tw$t hock ovor lhen unde- łhs iocp han puli the yarnoack uriOCf Iheloopwith l!iu hook: rso trem * unri the Icoo is COfr pletely covered. Yo, <lraw hcok thrc:.:^ Ciii toops en hcok*. Tc securs knot woik 1 sc into las: ch bctoto Clcmes Knc;. Sc-Clonc$ Knot - v/ork as ęiven tę-Ctones Knc: front * :o To oecyrc knot Y/ork 1 sc into last SC bufora C'on6s Knot.

Make I8ch. $!$* into tirst ch lo form a f-.z 1 St round: Ich.wcrking ino ring nrd cv>.r padding thresds, work 3I3SC. Si s: into tiisl JrC.

2nd round: ich, werk 1Sc into same st as last sl s:. 1so in:o sach of np/t 35SC. Si s'. in:o first sc

3rd round: lęh, wotk 1scinto sani«s: as lasl sl sl. i sc into each of nevt j?$c, ‘lnic next fsciyork |1sc. 1Sc Ciones Knc:]. Is; inio wadi cf next 5se: rep irom * .S limes rr.ore orr.rttinrj 3$C at urid of las: rap. sl s: into first SC.

4fh round: tJch, skip [firsl J«C, :Sc Ciones Knct. 2sc], sl st into ne*t sc ‘lich. skip (2C-C. ISc Ciones Knot. 2scj. Sl Sl into rexi sc: rep- Iron * 4 Times mero oiacinri last sl sl nlo firsl sc oł prevous round.

5lh roun d: 1 ch. vmik ! Ssc into ead ci the H arches and ovor padding threads. sl st into first sc.

6tn round: 1ch Isc in:o new sc 2ch, 1riointoroxisc.l1cli.sWp Isc 1CC into r;ex: sej 5 :imes. 2ch. isc into next SC- *miss 2&c. 1sc into ne>-sc. 2ch. Tdpinto ne« sc. [1ch. sk-: Isc. Ido into r.ckt SC] 5 limes. 2cfv 1sc into nexi so; rep trem * & tlme, iTOfu, sl st into tirst sc.

7tn round: $: st into iirs! ch. Ich ISO into 2c!isp. *4ch. i Ciones Knc* 4ch. skip 3dc, isc Ho nexl cii sp ]4ch. 1 Ctones Kno:. 4ch. 1?>; in:; nexl 2ch so] wice; rep tron: * 5 tirnei moro cmitt-ng l sc a: erd o: last re® Sl 51 into lirsi sc.

8th round: SI St Ho cacli di Ic lir; ClOnes Knot. 1ch. [working beh.-: Ciones Knot werk Isc into sc secur ing Ciones Knot. 4nh, i ClOhCSKnot 4ch] *8 tiniCS. sl st iritc tirst sc Fasten oif.

-bb-eyiEtdns aro Symtels on p3ge ti


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