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Hard water spots

To remove hard water spots from bathtubs. sinks and shower stalls, soak a sponge in fuli strength vinegar wipe, let stand for five minutes then rinse with clean water. Altematively apply full-strength lemonjuice and let stand until the spot disappears. Rinse. and repeat if necessary.

Limescale deposit

Heat a smali Container of white distilled vinegar to boiling point. Then pour over your fixtures that have deposits of limescale. This will release or remove the deposit.

Metal shower heads - remcmable

Minera! deposits from hard water can cause a sputtering, clogged shower head. Place the showerhead in a pot. add enough vinegar to completely cover it. Heat the vinegar to just below boiling. then remove from heat. Allow to sit for at least 6 hours. The acid in the vinegar will eat away the deposits. Rinse the showerhead well. and if s ready to go again.

Mouid and mildew

Dissolve 110ml/1/2 cup vinegar with 60g/1/2 cup borax in warm water to make a mildew remover.

Keeping your shower and bathtub dry really cuts down on mouid and mildew. Use a squeegie after showering and puli the water down from the walls of the shower to keep it dry. Let some natural light into the bathroom to cut down on mouid and mildew.

To prevent mouid and mildew in the shower wipe down tile or formica shower walls with a sponge or cloth dampened with water and vinegar. The vinegar will clean the walls and inhibit the growth of mouid and mildew.

Plumbing fixtures

To clean stainless Steel, chrome, fibreglass, ceramic. porcelain or enamel fixtures. dissolve 2 tbsp baking soda in 1.2ltrs/2 pints of water. Wipe on fixtures then rinse.


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