TO CRE ATE your handles, stitch one Itnen and one polka dot fabric strip together, right sides in. Turn right sides out, press and repeat for the second handle.
Step 3
OPEN both pieces out and pin, right sides in, lining up the seams at the middle. Sew around, leaving an opening for turning. Turn, slip stitch and tuck the lining inside.
• 28 count rustic Itnen, S4x58cm piece two 6x60cm strips
• polka dot fabnc. 38x43cm piece,
MkliiSi s£r* 6x60cm śtrjps
• ream l/nin© febhątwo 38x43tm
TRIM your stitching to 38x38cm. Rigbt sides in, stitch your 8x38cm polka dot strip to the top of your stitching. Open out and press. Cut two crearrr and one polka dot piece to the same size.
PIN and machinę sew your stitched piece and one lining piece together, sandwiching one of your handles between the layers, Repeat for the remaining two fabric pieces and second handle.
For stockist details see page 90