Quilling can be humerous too. This linie pink pigstarted out life as a blown hen ’s egg.
I do hope that you have enjoyed this caste of quilling and that you now feel inspired to try your hand at „ reating your own designs.
Inspiration for tjuilling designs can come from all 'Orts of places, such as wallpaper, embroidery patterns, potanical paintings and books - tracę them, keeping :he shapes simple, and then experiment with spare rieces of ąuilling paper to obtain the look that you >. ant. Do make notes of the lengths and widths of raper you use when making your own patterns and •;eep these in a notebook or a loose-leaf file so that you ran find them again when you want to make a similar iesign. If you have madę too many flowers or shapes for a project keep the extra ones in a box so that you .m use them at a later datę. If you want to make a card n a hurry you will be glad of your 'bits and pieces’ box.
Once you have learnt the basie techniques and the -napes that you can use, the only boundaries are those
f your imagination. You can make anything from ::nv gift tags with a couple of airy flower buds on them :o a whole box densely covered with solid quilling.
Three-dimensional work can be particularly creative: try making miniaturę flowers in tiny quilled pots, or, scrollwork earrings (varnished for durability), mobiles and lots morę.
Lefi: Do letyour imagination go to work! Here, I took an existing pattern for an angel and deoeloped it into this candle decoration.
Some examples of miniaturę ąuilling. The planters (left) were madę for a dolTs house. The basket of flowers (below), at a slightly larger scalę, was madę to decorate a glass cabinet.