SPEAKING Discussing a topie

TOPIĆ Shopping and services

The audio trackfor this actwity can be found at www.oup.com/elt/headway/maturahr


►    When you are asked about how a subject is presented in a picture, you do not have to describe the picture in detail. You should concentrate on the themes.

►    You will need to give opinions or make comparisons. Notę down any useful structures.

►    Prepare what you are going to talk about and make a notę of key vocabulary to use.

►    Try to look at the topie from both sides and give examples to illustrate what you are saying.

►    Don’t speak too slowly or too fast. Just be yourself.

1    ŁiŁ Listen to Annę and Carl discussing the photograph in the EXAM TASK. Read the opinions (1-5) and State whether each one is Anne’s opinion (A), Carl’s opinion (C), or both of their opinions (A+C).

1    Soon markets will disappear._

2    It’s sometimes difficult to find what you want in the


3    Corner shops are friendly places._

4    Markets are interesting places__

5    People will never stop shopping for food in markets.

2    Work in pairs. Complete the phrases (1-6) with the words (a-f).

1    In my_, supermarkets are just too expensive.

2    I_that you should use local shops whenever

it is possible.

3    It_to me that prices have dropped recently.

4    To be_, I prefer shopping at larger Stores.

5    As 1_it, big businesses aren’t friendly enough.

6    As far as I’m_, the cheaper the better.

a honest

b opinion

d seems e think f concerned

J Complete the sentences (1-6) with words from the box.

display stallholders discounts bargains cash rangę

1    The supermarket accepts credit cards, whereas in the

market they only take_.

2    Supermarkets sometimes offer ‘two-for-one’_,

but in the market you can ask for the prices to be dropped.

3    Compared with the biggest supermarkets, the _of goods in markets isn’t so wide.

4    In comparison to supermarket assistants, the market _are very friendly.

5    If you go late to the market you can get some great

_, but supermarkets have the same prices

all day.

6    Fruit stalls and supermarkets are similar because of the

way they_their goods to attract customers.

4 Underline the words and phrases that are used to show

that supermarkets and markets are being compared and

contrasted in the statements (1-6) of exercise 3.

Now complete the EXAM TASK.


Familiarize yourself with the photograph below. Prepare to present and discuss the image with the examiner.

The following guidelines may help you:

■    Describe the place, activity, and mood.

■    Describe what people are doing.

■    Compare markets with large supermarkets.

■    Use examples from your own country.

■    Predict what will happen to markets in the futurę.

Matura Exam Practice

(Mord University Press


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