(b) Pharmaceutical Services (US$291,000)

3.47 Obiectiyes and Description. The purpose of this sub-component is to strengthen ąuality control of essential generic drugs and iinprove public health knowledge and skills within the Directorate of Pharmaceutical Services (DPSH). To ensure ąuality control of imported drugs, PDSN would finance eąuipment for a type 1 laboratory for the DSPH in Ouagadougou according to WHO recommendations regarding ąuality control of drugs in West Affica. The project would also finance one semester of training in public health in 1995 for one pharmacist within the DSPH.

3.48    Implementation. This sub-component would be implemented by the DSPH.

(c) Information Management System (US$547,000)

3.49    Obiectiyes and Descrintion. This sub-component would improve the management of resources of the MSASF, which is under the responsibility of the Directorate of Administrative and Financial Services (DAAF). Following a recent survey of the MSASF's human resources, a complementary study on physical resources will be undertaken. Ali data collected would be computerized, to allow the Ministiy to better track and rationalize the use of human and materiał resources. Moreover, to ensure the ąuality, continuity, and maintenance of the system, specialists services would be sought to train DAAF Staff and to help establish the necessary procedur es to allow for follow-up modifications, should they be reąuired, and to ensure that new information is entered into the system, so that the data reflect the current situation. The project would finance: 0) an inventory of all the buildings, goods, vehicles, and eąuipment of the different senrices of the MSASF; (ii) training of high level managers within the DAAF; and (iii) eąuipment including computers and other information management tools.

3.50 Implementation This sub-component will be implemented by the DAAF.


Improve Capadty for Project Coordinatlon. Monitoring and Eyaluation

(US$1.7 million)

3.51 Obiectiyes and Description. PDSN would provide support for the Directorate of Studies and Planning (DEP) to enhance its capacity to coordinate, monitor and evaluate donor-supported projects in the health sector. The DEP is responsible for: (1) periodic monitoring of the financial and physical aspects of the health sector within the public investment program; and (2) coordination of all extemal assistance for the health sector. In addition, a unit of the DEP is responsible for evaluating social and health projects during execution, in order to develop a locus of expertise for improving project implementation. The project would finance: (i) eąuipment and yehicles; (ii) operating costs for project supervision; (iii) specialist senrices to carry out a survey of external financing in the health sector in Burkina; and (iv) implementation of a system to monitor and coordinate such financing. During negotiations, the Goverament gave assurances that it will (a) complete the survey of external financing of the health sector in Burkina by July 31,

1995,    and (b) implement a monitoring and coordinating system for such financing by July 31,


3.52 Implementation. This sub-component would be implemented by the DEP.


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