428 (14)

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during the finał stages of preparing Ihis volume.

Copyright for photographs included in this volume, for which permission to reproduce is gratefully acknowledged, is as follows:

Trustees of the British Museum - figs 212 (mid-

dle) & 242 (bottom) Bruckmann, Munich - fron-

tispiece, fig 189 & colour pl 10

The Danish National Museum - fig 167 (bottom


Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp - fig 198

Maurice M Ridgway & Fred H Crossley - figs 159 & 214

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York - fig 189 Reproduced by gracious permission of Her Majesty the Queen - fig 137 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England - figs 20 & 132 Salisbury & South Wiltshire Museum - fig 173 Copyright of photographs of all items in the Museum of Londons collections is held by the Museum’s Board of Govemors.


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