—    CHARACTER1ST1CS Death God Level: 2 Gender: Małe Llkes: Gem Stones

Dislikes: Crows_____

—    DEATH CHART Intellłgence:

Curiosity:    a:aca:_

Proactiyeness: *:_

Sympathy:    a:a:a:_

Murder count: a:a:a:a:a:a:a:a:a:

The most intelligent Deathgod in the Deathgod world

He has the Deathgod's rules at his finger tips and commands a lot of respect from the other Deathgods. He is the right hand man of the Deathgod King and the other Deathgods go to him for advice. He was once spotted smoking a cigarette.




... CHARACTERISTICS Death God Level: 3 Gender: Female

Llkes: Gold

Dislikes: Brightplaces


Intellłgence:    a: a: a: a: a: a::*:*:

i Curtosity:    a: a:    ___

Proactlyeness: xcxc_

Sympattiy:    *:*_

Murdercount: a:a:a:a:a:a:a:a:.i: jjt-T

The Upper ClassJ Deathgod

She has no Interest in the matters of the human world. She Indulges herself In the Deathgod world and her hobby is to stack layers after layers of human skeletons. She also has a Western mannerism and laughs with a "woohoo". She is ranked right after Jastln.


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