



Tbłs group was founded aft er t’s death. łn a bid to continue the hunt for Kira On the surface. the SPK had cooperated wfth the Japanese *nvest*gaUon team through the shjrlng of Information However. it ateo engaged coercive measures to bring itsetf cioser to the truth The SK paid very ctose attention to the actions of Melio and it was the onły group wMch managed to gather suf ficient Information to underrmne the cunnlng p**ans ot Kira

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Information wth tr* WL Onf*t MAI* Mf*«0 W h**r mv»

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As the most powerful anti-Kira group. the SPK launched what was perhaps the biggest attack against Kira Włth Meiło's aid. the SPK emerged tnumphant over Kira and his supporters.

t At /as*. ćYHtence uut potnts to UghC as fhe person btłiind Kira rS óiUOVCred

MeiJo snatched the Oeath Notę from Lighfs hands and enlisted the aid of Shidon However. Meuo d»d not expect that Misa. wrth the Oeathgod'$ eyes. was abte to kili off his sub-ordinates


AJThough the measure was useiess. the Amencan government stifl beiyged for Kiras help to battie the threats of the Mafia When Ught heard the news about Me Ho havmg obtaned the Oeath Notę. he reacted immeduteiy »n schemng to get the Oeath Notę back

The secretive MeJlo took the Mafia into his ranks and started the missśon to obtain the Oeath Notę Despfte having once gotten hoid of a Oeath Notę, thte group of MeWs was eltminated by Kira. łeav>ng Mełto to contkme hunting Ktraalibyhimsełl

The American Govern.T.ent

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As the Americm gove- FT1 nvrwt WAS threate-ned by the Haft* they «*• had no other opcion but to team up włtb n* ught to oet rtd of the Mafgt They ended up c** Wing pMyed by M«4k>. *v«o hav*og their authon- JJS tatw powers seaied. and hav*ng to sacrifice F their presfdent.    f V>

forctć U fotoina* huntfor Kśta


ra Oase’s C.haracter M


L left the pkturc. Kira gained a greater stronghofd. However. ncw opponents of Kira appeared.

Although Japan's lnvestigatfen team contlnucd with the Kira casc after t's death, their progress was słów and they were crtttased as a useiess group. They aJłowed the Oeath Notę to be snatched away by the Mafia and commłtted many mfcukes But it was only after they fest Soichiro that the team etispersed into irdividuals continuing the lnves-

tigation on their own.

Kira’* dcfcnces were very st/ong and inpe-netrawe But uneapect-edly. the SPK and the Mafia entered the Picture, cracktcg up the solid dcfencc Kira hadburtt

Undcr the manlpulatu/e płans of Ught. the iapanese mves-tigation team fell into Kira's contro! As Light was able to controł the teams nves-tigation of Kira. they were unabie to soivc the Kira case In the end. the members of the investigatłon team became Ughfs pawns

At thłs point in time, the media was under Kłra's fuli contrd, every TV station reported and justified k ra s actions, even converting inłtiaJ Kira haters.

The med»a was used as a toc* to propagate Kłra‘s beliefs to the rest of the wortd Thłs aSowed Ught to graduaiiy achveve his amb/tons furthermore. the media was used as a tooi to search for sunabse cancfcdates to act out Kiras justice on beha/f of l *ght

Media (Kirae worehipper)

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mcłnmt-ty Oęht iecomy. ont Ctut eveo che poi • c t wjh un-aWe to gec thr oooh

f M*Unp ut* of TAUtiM t oeAW * KPą ŁJęfK wjs aWe toconvtrt eve« mott

p*0P* *Tto*jrs mpporten


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