reduced to a minimum, the number of inscriptions was still too great to allow the map to serve practical aims. The synthetic version, which groups phenomena according to their usefulness, was produced by a team of geomorphologists who designed an overlying diagram of the ąualifying classification. The text of the explanatory descriptions of the map was also discussed. Following a motion of the Bureau the authors produced an introductory description which explains the method of work on the map and the definitions which it carries. This description is especially necessary, for many of those who avail themselves of the map are often specialists in a different field and have no experience of detailed geomor-phology.
Direct cooperation between the Bureau and the Physical Geography Center lasted for 5 years and helped to introduce a number of new ideas according to the Bureau’s wishes; it also brought about an understanding between the aims of epistemological, theoretical knowledge and the aims of practical usefulness which both partners strove to attain.
5. Work on the new version of the plan for the urban ensemble of Kraków, which covers the town and its surrounding area, begins now with setting the generał directions of development. The important growth of industry, and the scientific and cultural effort which centers in Kraków tracę the road of development for an agglomerate ensemble which would house about one milion of inhabitants. Finding new settlement areas for the township depends on the natural conditions of the region. The valley of the Vistula in which the center of Kraków is now located has few advantages because of its unfavourable climate.
Regions having the most advantages are chosen on the basis of the ąualifying research madę by geomorphologists. A synthesis of the different factors which contribute to the forming of a geographic milieu takes into consideration the ąuality of the soil which should be kept free for building purposes, the hydrographic conditions which enable the drainage of the area and also the possibilities of supplying it with all of the necessary facilities. The geomorphologic map shows the possibilities of tracing adeąuate lines of communication which will join the chosen areas with the town itself.
With the help of this map we also study the visual ąualities of the landscape and are able to choose the best areas for gardens and other recreational grounds.
The areas which on the geomorphological map are shown as una-deąuate for settlement and for other forms of making use of the grounds, must also be studied with the aim of finding means of their utilization. Cooperating with agricultural, forestry and soil — improvement specialists, with naturę protection centres etc. we are able, with the help of the geomorphological map, to control and to correct the previous forms of utilizing the given grounds. Conclusions which we draw in this sphere aim at transforming the geographic milieu.
What we have already said about the practical use we have madę of the geomorphological map during the different stages of work on the generał plan of the town does not exhaust all of the possibilities offered by the richness of its materiał.
In a further workshop cooperation, the authors of the geomorphological scheme ought to aim at expressing suggestions which would point out the best direction for the town’s development, considering the given frame. Similar results of other special studies might help to choose the
5 — Problems