2.3.    Are any of the following dishonest acts morę acceptable than others:

•    lying about qualifications in a job application;

8 not mentioning some income on tax returns;

•    telling someone they look good when you think they look awful;

8 cheating in an exam;

8 making private phone calls from work;

•    keeping quiet when in a shop you get morę change than you should by mistake;

•    driving off after causing some damage to a car parked next to yours when there are no witnesses;

8 lying about your age, weight, income;

•    reading other people's diaries or letters;

° travelling by bus or tram without a ticket;

•    lying to your parents about your grades at school;

8 lying when giving someone your address or phone number;

8 lying when being interviewed by the police;

8 copying books, CDs, videos and Computer software;

8 cheating at cards.

2.4.    List a few common reasons for not telling the truth.

8 to avoid punishment,

8 to protect your own or someone else's privacy,

•    to avoid offending someone,

8 to avoid hurting someone’s feelings,

8 to avoid embarrassment,

•    not to spoił someone's enjoyment.

2.5.    What do you think of the following Hebrew saying: 'Half a truth is a whole lie?

This is true when someone deliberately hides some important information in order to deceive and harm. The saying is not true if someone keeps part of the information to themselves, because they:

° do not think it is important,

8 have not been asked to say everything they know,

•    mean well doing it.

■STAW II lanie 1.

z owe pytania i odpowiedzi do matenału stymulującego)

3ould you tell us what you see in the materiał?

can see four photographs showing problems concerning the protection of the natural environment. Two of hem are rather depressing. They depict:

•    a few chimney stacks of an industrial plant, from which clouds of very dark smoke are being released into the atmosphere;

8 part of a huge rubbish dump with a big truck just dumping some morę waste.

rhe other two photos show what is done to help protect the natural environment:

•    a number of windmills producing electricity which have been installed in a mountaineous area;

•    a solar battery mounted either near a building or on the top of it.


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