Work slip stitches marhsd with sn ano* behind paisls :nio slip slitcftes.on 2nd row. <® = 1 ch. work * si sr into lar. sl st on 2rd round.
Straight arrows indcate the direciion cl work lor OpCh pątgi rra. Curved arrows Incńcate whare to fastort off and tejeb yarn for nsxi patat.
2* a 5ch, Si sl into firsr ch tc lorm a ring. u round: Ich. work2$Cinto rinę. "53ch.
• -.o 6lh Ch trem nock, 3ch. skip 3ch.
• nto ne« ch, 3ch. sl st Lnic sleg of :asi j c «erkeć. work 4$c inro ring; rop Irorr. *
| mus rnere cmiltinę 2$d ot anc of last : sl sl into tirst $c. (4 points inaCtO)-round: 'Into eacli Ot flrsr 2 sos on I -- point werk [ISC. 3dc. TscJ, *sc into
:up sp of sama point, into sama ic-p sp work bćc. isc] twice. then workjng c~ ottier ć-idś bf toop work (1 sc. 3bc.' sej into gach of rexi 2 sos. 1 s: st into sach of riexl 3SC cn tlrsr round: rap from ’ 3 limes morę omittiną l Sl St Ot ano of last rap.
3rd round: ich. worki sc nto same sc3s isat sl st. '16dh, 1$s in:o center sc a*. top c' point. 1fich. i sc into center sc hetween 2 points on tirst round: rep from ' 3 times mero omitting isc at and Ol last rep. si st ■nto firn* sc.
4th round: tdh, 'wc*< 1sc into cach o: next IGch, 1SC into nex* sc. 1sc into each Ol r.gxi 1 Sen. skip 1sc; rop Irom * 3 t.mes mora. sl st into fifSt sc. Fastsn cif.