

Finished Size: Approximately 4 W diameter



YO twice. insert hook in fourth ch from hook. YO and puli up a loop, (YO and dra w through 2 loops on hook) twice. YO twice, insert hook in same ch. YO and puli up a loop. (YO and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

Ch 6; join w-ith slip st to form a ring.

Rnd 1 (Right side): Ch 1. 12 sc in ring; join with slip st to first sc.

Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc, now and throughout). dc in same st. ch 3, skip next sc. ★ 2 dc in next sc, ch 3. skip next sc: repeat from ★ around: join with slip st to first dc: 12 dc and 6 ch-3 sps.

Rnd 3: Ch 3, dc in same st. 2 dc in next dc. ch 3, (2 dc in each of next 2 dc. ch 3) around; join with slip st to first dc: 24 dc.

Rnd 4: Slip st in next dc, ch 12. slip st in fifth ch from hook to form Picot and in next 6 chs. ★ f ch 4. work Cluster. ch 9, slip st in seventh ch from hook, (ch 7, slip st in seventh ch from hook) twice, slip st in same ch as third slip st from hook and in next 2 chs. ch 4, slip st in ch at base of Cluster f. ch 11. slip st in fifth ch from hook to form Picot and in next 6 chs, ch 1. slip st in next dc. sc in next dc. (2 sc, ch 2. 2 sc) in next ch-3 sp. sc in next dc, slip st in next dc. ch 9. slip st in last Picot madę. ch 1. skip first ch. slip st in next 7 chs: repeat from ★

4 times morę. rhen repeat from t to t once, ch 8. slip st in first Picot madę. ch 1, skip first ch. slip st in next 7 chs. ch 1. slip st in next dc. sc in next dc. (2 sc. ch 2.

2 sc) in next ch-3 sp, sc in next st: join with slip st to first slip st. finish off.

See Finishing. page 55. Use 12 point Blocking Paltem, page 56. for Starching.

Design by Faye Sbe/rort.

Finished Size: Approximately 5" diameter



Ch 3. ★ YO. insert hook in ring. YO and puli up a loop. YO and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from ★ once morę. YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook.


★ YO. insert hook in ring. YO and puli up a loop. YO and draw through 2 loops on hook: repeat from ★

2 times morę. YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook.


Ch 8. slip st in fourth ch from hook.

Ch 6: join with slip st to form a ring.

Rnd 1 (Right side): Work Beginning Cluster. (ch 5, work Cluster) 5 times. ch 2. dc in top of Beginning Cluster to form last ch-5 sp: 6 ch-5 sps.

Rnd 2: Ch 1. sc in same sp. work Picot twice. ch 4.

*    sc in next ch-5 sp. work Picot twice. ch 4: repeat from

★    around; join w-ith slip st to first sc: 12 Picots.

Rnd 3: Slip st in next 4 chs and in next Picot. ch 7. slip st in fifth ch from hook. (dc in same Picot, ch 4. slip st in top of dc just madę) 4 times. ch 9. slip st in fifth ch from hook, ch 4. ★ in each of next 2 Picots w-ork (dc. ch 4. slip st in top of dc just madę) 5 times, ch 9. slip st in fifth ch from hook. ch 4: repeat from ★ 4 times morę. in last Picot work (dc, ch 4. slip st in top of dc just madę) 5 times; join with slip st to third ch of beginning ch-7. finish off.

See Finishing, page 55. Use 6 point Blocking Pattern. page 57, for Starching.

Design by Faye Sbe/ton.



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