55 (64)

55 (64)


iw will need a four-drawer cabinet; four ceramic nobs: primer; glazing medium: combing tool. blue. brk yellow. fuchsia, green. light green, pink, white, nd yellow acrylic palnts; l"w painter's masking tape; alntbrushes; V*" round foam brush: black permanent ne-point pen: elear acrylic sealer,- transfer paper; and king paper.

i Read Preparing to Paint and Paintlng, page 93 limę cabinet.

IBasecoat top of cabinet pink. edge around top and uttom blue. drawer fronts yellow, cabinet front green. Pd cabinet sides and bottom yellow.

Read Transferring Patterns page 94. Tracę, then ansfer flower on page 56 to one side of each drawer crt. TUm pattern over and transfer to remaining side feach drawer front. Paint stems green; highlight with jjit green. Paint flowers pink; shade with fuchsia. dd petal lines with fuchsia. Outline flowers and lems with permanent pen

.Read Painting Deslgns, pages 93-94. Add dark Ełlow dots to all yellow areas. Use foam brush to add row of white dots along each blue edge.

Mix glazing medium with fuchsia. Paint cabinet top ih glazing mixture; drag combing tool through the st glazing mixture. turning tool to create basket eave pattern. Wipe tool off each timc you lift it from ® surface. Allow to dry.

.Apply sealer to cabinet.

.Altach knobs to drawers.


mi will need a rectangular basket; yellow acrylic aint: paintbrush: elear acrylic sealer. blue fabric.- V-«"w astic; scraps of yellow. pink. green. and green polka-ot fabric; scraps of white felt: craft fleece or batting. to V«" dia. buttons from covered button kit; two xh" a. elear buttons; embroidery floss; freezer paper, id fabric glue.

ar basket measures 14" x 8" x 7" and uses 1 'h yds of blue iric for lifting. You may need to adiust lf\e amourif of fabric jit your basket. Matek righl sides and use a '/i” seam tarana? for all sewing unless otherwise indicaled.

Read Preparing to Paint and Painting. page 93 lint basket yellow. Apply sealer to basket To determine size of basket liner bottom. measure ebottom of your basket. Add I" to both dimensions id cut blue fabric to these measurements.

3.    To determine width of side strip, measure the

height of the basket and add 37*". To determine length of side strip, measure around the top edge of your basket and add 7” for corners and seam allowance. Cut side strip to determined measurements.    +

4.    Sew short ends of side strip together. Sew side strip to basket liner bottom. Ieaving a ?/*" fold open at each comer iFig. 11

Fig. I

5.    Press remaining long edge of side strip Y»" to wrong side; topstitch to make casing. leaving 2" open Cut a length of elastic to fit around the top edge of your basket plus 1". Thread elastic through casing; overlap ends I 'h" and sew in place. Sew casing closed

6.    Cover buttons with yellow fabric. Use pattern on page 56 to cut two flower centers from white felt.

7.    Read Making Flower Sets. below. and use patterns on page 56 to make flowers and leaves.

8 Foliow Step 5 of Shower Curtain. page 54. to complete flowers

9.    Threading floss through side of basket. sew flowers to basket Glue leaves to sides of flowers.

10.    Place lining in basket.

Making Flower Sets

1    Tracę patterns onto freezer paper. (We reversed some patterns to complete our projeets.) For each freezer paper pattern, cut Iwo sąuares of fabric and one square of craft fleece or batting large enough to fit pattern Iron shiny side of freezer paper pattern to wrong side of one fabric square with warm iron. With pattern on top. layer fabric. right sides together, on craft fleece

2    Sew around freezer paper pattern. Peel off freezer paper and trim fabric and fleece '/«" from seam. Cutting through only one layer of fabric. cut a smali slash in the fabric side of sewn piece. Clip cun/es and tum.



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