62os 3

62os 3

Tranb:i i:aion. B.S.A. 3-speed gcar1)OX willi pnaitńc-stop foot contro!, built in unit constnu tioii with enginc; gear ralim 1)1. 7.0—ii.7—22.1; 1)7, l».58—11.0—20.05; clutcli with bondcd rcsilirnt facings; primary chain J .250'in oil-bath casr: rcar chain i .< .335' with guard ovcr top nin.

Ignition and Lighting. Wico-Pacy llywherł generator willi dirert lighting; łi' diamclrr head-lamp; bulli liorn; illuininatcd sjrecdomrter. 1)7 lia.s hcadlatnp nacellc liousing pre-foetts hcadlight unit with pilot light, specdoineter and switchgcar. Battery lighting set willi combinitl stop and taił lamp. rleclric horn and ll amp. lir. bat tery cxtra.

Fuel Capacity. Ul—If gałlons; 1)7 - 2 gallons.

Tyres. Dunlop rcinforced lightwciglit 2.75—10 front and rcar on Dl; 3.00—IB mi 1)7.

Brakes. 5' dinmeter, Jj' widc on Dl and f»J" dininctcr >: 1" widr on D7. Fingcr*o]>erated adjusters.

Suspension. B.S.A. tdcscopic forks with flcxil>lr gaiters, plungcr rcar smpension on Dl; hydraulic-ally dantped swinging-arm rcar suspension with hydnmlically dntnpcd ictesćopie front forks on 1)7.

Franie. Tulntlar cradlc typc; all wcldcd on Dl; of brazed and wcldcd construction on D7. Spring-up central stand; B.S.A. dual seat and pillion footrests on D7. I.ugs lor stcerlng lirad patllock on D7.

Finish. Dl—Pastel green, altcrnalivcs 1‘uclisia mlorblack; D7 Royal rrd. altematircs Sapphirc bluc nr black; all fratnes and forks black. Crcant panel* and chrontc strip on pctrol tank: chrome panels with ntiractivc plastic badge-s on D7 cxira; hubs and brake covcr platcs black on Dl. silver sheen on 1)7; chrome whoel ritns; all otlter bright parts chromrd.

General Dimensions. Wheelbase, 1)1—50', 1)7—52'; ground clcaranrc. Dl- l,'". 1)7 -5J'; ovrrall Icngtli, Dl 77". D7 HI"; drv weigln. Dl—180 Ib., D7—224 ll>.

Extra Fittings. I.egshiclds; 1’rop stand; Safety bart. On Dl -B.S.A. dual scal and pillion foot-rests. On D7—Chrome tank panels.


Two stroke model D1

No machinę in (lic history «>f motor-cycling has achicvcd such world-wide popularny as theB.S.A.Bąniam, a thorouyhly rcliable liięlit-wciglit of provcn performance. So easy to ticlc, ii is the ideał motor rycie for the betain ner and tlte ol)vimts choice for daily transport. In pricr, eronomy, casc of hand-lingniid inaintenance the Baiitam liasnoecpial.

p.igr- 3


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