62os 8
The brilliant NEW 650 and 500
Engine. Twin Cylindens A50—65.5 mm. horę x 71 mm. Mroki* (499 cc); A65 75 mm. borr 74 mm. strokc (654 cc;. Overhend valv<* four-strtikc; enst-iron cylinder lilock; dic-cast light alloy cylinder liead with enst-in valve scal* and dmvn-draughi divided inlet port for single carbureUor. Cloniprcssion rntio 7.5 tu 1 on both models. lYrssnro ciii feed to rockcr meclianism mounted direct on cylinder liead; crankshafl dnsc-.sidc mounlcd on ball-nice, timing side mounu-d on lu:avy duty bi-metal plain bearing in Steel housing. Cemrilitgal oil filter carried in crankpin journals. Single grar-<lriven canishaft, in-corporating timctl brrather; light alloy connecting rotls; mirro* babbit Mecl-barkcd big rnd liners; dry Mimjł lubrication willi double* gnir type nil pump.
Froin a long linc of famons ancestors cornc tliesc lwu ncw twin cylinder models willi a unicjue blcnding of tradilional, wcll-provcd B.S.A. features, and in-novations as modern as ilie ccntrc of Birmingham itsclf.
With bcautifully styled one-piecc cnginc-gcarbox unit and onc-piccc aluminium alloy cylinder head and rockcr box, thesc tnodcls have been endowed with lines which can only bc adequatcly dcscribed as graccful, elegant and exciting.
650 STAR Twin cylinder model A65
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