Ali BSA mororryefer ar* warTanled for a c<noa of 90 dsyt from dace «• purchate nr 4,000 milei Cd opera non-«>hi(h »*«roccun fint We andertake. ar, immediate return of ihe nart wtncH u alleped to be defoccive-
carr-aęe psid. w/thin liirh pen«d, 10 emmlne the same and shoufd anyfmlt be fęsuod by ut on cyamimuio/i to b« »o|*ly diie to derecti »e mąceni) or worfunanihip. * u will n»pjir the d*fective part or suppW ,i mc* part in the place thereof free of cbarjc W» -Jo itoi iindenake to be;r che cos; of any work tnvolvcd in ramtciiin; j reppirod ot rtMrtinj ■ ne« part Out responsibiiiry is liraitcd to che term; of thii euarantee. and we will rot be antwerablo for any con:inj;ent or rcsi.ltmg lubliny or loss ariaint tłirouRh any dcfecc ar for any claim for tabnr, matur.*1 ar otfier ł«o*ntłuur* incurred in remedring ar.y deffiet Warianty it eortfined to nem* gf BSA manufacturc Proprietarr itortit loch as tire;, uddlot, iimnjmenti and clectrical oquipmenc are warranted by dldir >cip«ietive inanulicigrerj Competition models and standard machinot ui«d for competition radne purpoies are
encludeil fróm the ter mi of warranty cr ju». antcc
Polished alloy racing pecrol tank. cencral racing oil tank. bolt-on quick-change rear sprocket. Lucas racing magneto, racing dual seat. 350 19TrialsUniversalfront.-400/18Trials Unlversal rear, top gear 7-46. No lighcing equipment. 8,000 r.p.m., tachometer standard.
3-gallon sport tank with chrome panels, center mount racing oil tank. scrambler air dcaner, Lucas magdyno and regulacor (no othsr lighting equipment). No instrumenes.
Engines in boch models identical with 10*1 compression. fuli r3ce cams and megaphene exhaust Competition Gold Star has 11 Grand Prlx racing carburccor, Cat3lina 1-i. Monobioc.
Spawned from che crucibie of thousands upon thousands of major competition events. che BSA Goid Stars enjoy a heriiage as lustrous as their beauty! The finest example of the engine designer‘s art perfected over the years! MassWe alloy engine tuned co maximum power as recetved. No racing extras co buy! Ready for the fray as received from your dealer. From Laconia co Daytona. Portland Meadows co Ascoc—the Champions ride Gold Stars.
mttKTTtł im ekołanu Pr wahwice VRtsiis<. rciMr.aW mmiiiid waawii I465A W.dJ