jucht to be done by all pcrsons witli a tendency to flatfootedness. The arch of thc feet is also an important point as rcgards beauty. and evcn thc most shapely font is impros-ed by a symmetrically archod instop Tiesides which, my Foot Exercises are a nevcr fading means of warming the feet in a few minutes They tnay be pcrformed at any time of Ihe day, when you are sitting in a cliair, or when lying in bcd just before going to slcep.
This cxerusc falls into a measurc of four beats :— tif Beat.— Bend the foot upwards at the ankle, as well as thc toes, as much as possible. iSee Fig. tn.i
md Beat.— Bend the toes downwards without moving the foot at the ankle. (See Fig. 113.I
W Beat.—Straighten the ankle while the toes are sttll bent downwards as much as possible. (Sce Fig. n+.)
\th Beat,—Bend the toes upwards, while the ankle is still hcld quite rigid. (See Fig. 11 j.)
To begin with. move one foot alone ; latcr on, both feet at the unie time. When this exercise has been learned. do not count each beat, but only each complete mosemcnt. repeating the whole untd you mc Fred