To remove water and scorch marks from wood. mix a thin pastę of salt and olive oil. Wipe on the pastę, then wipe off with a soft cloth, buffing slightly as you do it. Another way to remove water stains on wood fumiture. is to dab white toothpaste onto stain. Allow the pastę to dry and then gently buff off with a soft cloth.
Hide wood scratches by rubbing with the meat of a walnut. Another remedy is to rub fumiture with a cloth dipped in cool tea.
To keep white wicker from yellowing, scrub with saltwater using a stiff brush. Then let it stand in the sunlight to dry.
Window and glass cleaning is easy with these tips: to avoid streaks. don't wash Windows when the sun is shining, which can cause the cleaning Solutions to dry too quickly. To avoid lint residue. try wiping with newspaper rather than paper towels or cloths (unless you are sensitive to the inks in newsprint).
Two simple cleaning Solutions are undiluted vinegar in a spray bottle. or equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
A quick and simple way to polish your wooden fumiture is to use 55ml/1/H cup vinegar plus a few drops of oil. The vinegar pulls the dirt out of the wood, and the few drops of oil lubricates the wood so that it doesnt dry out.
The best oils to use are those that have the longest shelf life. Olive oil works well. The best choice of all is liquid wax jojoba. because it never goes rancid. It is found in most health food Stores. Boiled linseed oils found in hardware Stores have synthetic drying Chemicals in them and shouldnt be used. Use only food grade linseed oil.