66 5
A BSA SPEED VICTORY Winnef: 8 Mile National Chompionship, Ascof Speedway Colifornia, Sept. 11, 1965
650" (40 (U. in.) TWN MODEL A65-JT
A highly dependable road cruiser for the long distance tourisf. An extremely powerful runner, has most “Lightning" engine speed features including full-race camshoft, High compression pistons, oversize in-toke valves. Eguipped with a single large-bore carburefor for maximum f)exibiliły.
BSA ROYAL STAR 500 Finest in o 500cc road twin
The Thunderbolt is belfer than ever for 1966 v/iih most ne» engineering odvances lisfed on page 2. This big, brawny BSA favorite is now equipped with Gold Star racing brokc*. for best stopping power. Finish: Meto II ic Blue, chrome and polished olloy.
. ROYAL STAR 500 model aso
500cc (30.5 cu. m.) TWiN
Turbine-smooth 500cc engine noted for dependable and capable performance. Delivers extremely good gas mileoge. Not to be confused with underpowered Tiofnrcycles, this powerful twin will flatlen steepest hills effortless even with two up. Now has Gold Stor racing brakei. Finish: Metollic Red, chrome, and polished alloy
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66 3 SPITFIREMK. U SPEC!AL 650rc (40 ol m.) TWIN MODEL A65-2CP A BSA SPEED VICTORY Winnor: 196566 7 775 FLASH 175ct SINGLE MODEL DJ75 ANOTHER BSA SPEED VlCTORY SO MILE FEATcomPO^Aric ELccc^oniOiic 66 Rue de Montreuil 75011 Paris, metro Nation ou Boulet de Montreuil. Tel:66 Societe des Nations — Recuetl des Traites.1933 4. Les mati^res explosibles, inflammables ou dange7 (1594) U.S.A. DAYTONA CHAMPtONSHIP MEETING 100 Mile Amateur Race Ist John Miller NATIONALCHA<* Bmsworth ZONĘ Entryto 20 mph zonę © Majdmum National speed School Crossingvictory (3) YICTORY POWER The powcr co win! Thafs what you ge* with BSA eompetit.ion motorcycles. Kowięcej podobnych podstron