Finished size: 15cm (6in) high
• 25cm x 35cm (lOin x 14in) letlongle of medium short-pile mołioir |doesni hove to be sporie)
• I cotter pin {or spli pin)
• 3 wcshers
• 2,4mm ('/iin) błock gloss ey«
• Gdrermonn quilting rhrend
• Brown and moroon stronded ihreods
• Dentol floss
• Smoli pieto of roifia
• Smoli maroon woodon heort-shaped bead
• Polyester filling
• Smoli omount of plasłic pdleb
• 1 or 3 smoli pompoms
• Coller-pin lurner or poinled-nosed ptiers
• Awl or knittmg reedte
• Needles
• Smoli shorp-poinled stissors
• Troting paper cnd tordbcard or tcmpłotc plosfit
• Marking pen or pentil
• General sewing retjuiremenls
Kcad through the instrucnoas bcforc you bcgln ihis Isear is sewn with ihc tur on the inside. so place the wropg sides together throughout. Thcre is a 1 -in seans allow.iiKc indudcd on the patterns. The l>car is assemblcd using backsłitch sta ras cxccpt for closing the openings whieh arc bidder-siitched.
Thtce tbe shapesand thelr markings fa»n the panem shect onto tracing |M|hx an<l glue them to light cantlxxtrd or tracę them onto tempłatc piast łc. Cut them <iut and tracę them onto the bark of tlsc fabrit as follows. Match thearrows on the slva|xa with the fur lirection and tracę iwo arms and two reve«ccl, two legs and iwo iwcrsecl. one body and one iwentcd. one Mtle head and ooc reeersed. four cars and one head gusset. II you can. tracę the fooi lwice on the sdwtlge arca of ilu-fabric Air a slight contiusi.
Cut om iIk.* piet es using pointed scissors. emuring yoti cut the fabric and not the for. Kun the setssors atong the materia! and take smali snlps at a linie.
ii > g>ve the fabric an aged effect, look for little ckxs, Nonieiirncs ki sets of three. on the lxKk of the fur. Run a słiarp needlc so il eatches on the mohair. under the first or third doi if possłde. and jhiII *>me pieces of the mohair through to the wrong sklc 10 gj\v a very sparse fur elfect. Next, trim the fur an kjik! the ctlgcs of ;dl ihe pieces to make it easier lo asscinhlc ihe and ti > rcduce hulk at the seams. lf you wish. dri/yle a kule łikick colfee lx-re and there to make ii kx>k stainod in places and alk iw' u to tky lx-lbre starting the sewing.
Wlien stitching, make surę that you pot the needlc through straight and not at an angle >o the seams niatch properly. You can whipstitch (owrstitch) the w hole bear if it's your firsi one or you don't feel eonfident that it will turo out right It is a gtxxl idea to whipstitch the head and gusset ;ts |t's easier to undo (han backstitch, but it's ixu really necessary on the other btxly parts. It tlix-sn't boki the bear together - you Mili need to assemble it with smali, tlglłt hacksiitch using quiltmg thread.