Icontoejed from poęe 81)

*H«w I loomtd to knU h mhWki< ol o myittry. I imopin* wmNiw ihowcd m* th* botki wh*ri I wot yovng, how*r*r, I don't bov« ony r*<oU*<tiOM o/ ibrt *«p*ri*CK*. touęht myltH rbt fintr pointi o/ kiMbng fhroogb txx.li ond moęozint. ond Itorntd to dtugn by <rtolMg («vnd*tt iwtokn for my tfioóol nioto ond ntphtw.

"Tb* foli o/ my wit*r to breotl lonrtr in D*c*mb*r 1999 wot fh* ■Atpkotion lot fbii ujuoo. foch mord in rb* tqvor* r*pr* t«ntt o ddhront tym bot. Hw nbboo, whkh rt tbown in lb* tom* oron rotor ot «h* r*tlo/lh* tgwor*. fy* olto knit in pinA for fb* symbol o/ rb* fighf ogoantt betoU corKtr; lb* trott ttondt lot fońb; lb* oncbor ttondt for hop*; ond nobrroffy. rb* h*ort iłforfow.

"fokb, bop*. ond fov* or* my witb for *v*ryo»«—*tp*ooify tbot* wbot* Cy*s bo»* b**n touebtd by brooti con**r,"

D*t><jn*r Vicki Sever ft*COnd ploet winrwrj Otbkoth, Wl


S*C Schoof. p. IW for Ml. ttk and SK2P

Mott tt

Row I (RS) *PI,kl;rep from* 2ond 4 K thc k/vt ttt and p thc pud tti K the pud tu and p the inrt ttv Rep rowt 3 and 4 lot Mott tt


Caw on 57 ttv Work 3 ridgc\ ond mg wrth a RS row Wert row Knit Ntxt row iRS) K3. p to latt 3 ttt. k3 N«rt row Knt. 8*p Cham A. B, ond C Row I (RS) K3. p3. płace marker (pm), work Chart A over 13 ttv pnv p3. pm, Chart 8 over 13 ttt. pm.p3.pm. Chart Co*er 13ttt.pm. p3, U—6S ttt. 2 K6. then rcadng ehartt front left to nght work 15 ttt


MAKE 8OB8IE (MB) [(KI. pi) twicc, kl) intoa tt ti 2nd, 2/2 PKLC SI 2 to ca hołd to

Vkii Srrtr Sq»art

(itrat abrrwd*

Chart C k3.17 ttt Chart 8. k3.1S ttt Chart A. k&—71 ttt. Cont « patt at cttabfithed through chart row 24—57 ttt. R*movc markert Bog Otom D ondB:Row 1 (RS)K3. work 9 ttt m Mott tt, pm. work Chart 0 ov*r 13stt,pm.work 10tttktMotttt.pm.pj.pm. work Chart 8 ov*r 13 tłt. pm p3. k3—61 ttt Cont in patt at rttabbthcd through chart row 24—63 ttt Cont worbng patt at eitabliihed. ciccpt work Chart A in płac* ol Chart B. ont* 48 rowt of Chart 0 hav* bc«n work*d— S7 ttt Work Sndget 6mdofl./h

3rd. 4th. and Sth tt on* at a tim*. ovcr fint tt.

INC 2 (ON RS) K tnto back and front ol a tt th*n mt*rt IM n«cdlc *nto th* v«rtical tUand that runt b*tw**n thc 2 ttt ftnt mad* and k łnto back of thit ttrand INC 2 (ON WS) (Pl.yo.pllmtoatt DEC 4 SI 3 knitwrt*. one at a lim*, to RH needfc. 'patt 2nd tt on RM n««dfo ovtr firtt (center) tt tl center tt back to IM nccdlc. patt 2nd tt on IM neectte ov*r rt*. tl center tł back to RH nccdlc. work from • to * once mor*, p center tt.

OEC 6 SI 4 knitwitc. one at a tim*. to RH needk, *patt 2nd tt on RM needle ovcr fint (center) tt; tl center tt back to LH nccdlc. patt 2nd tt on LM nccdk o«*r rt*. tl center tt back to RH nccdłc**. work from • to ** once morc. then from * to * once. k center tt.

1/2 RPC SI 210 tn. hołd to back. kl; p2 from ca 1/2 LPC S11 to ca hołd to front. p2. kl from cn 2/1 RPC S11 to ca hołd to back. k2; pl from cn.

2/1 LPC SI 2 to ca hołd to front pi; k2 from ca 2/2 RPC Si 2 to ca hołd to back. k2: p2 from ca 2/2 LPC SI 2 to ca hołd to front p2. k2 from ca 2/2 KPRC SI 2 to ca hołd to back. k2; [kl. pi) from ca

front. pl. kl; k2 from cn.

»/ IRC Sil to ca hołd to back. k3;k1 fromen.

J/1 LC SI 3 to ca hokJ to front kł;k3 fromen.

3/1 RPC SI 1 to ca hołd to back, k3; pl from ca 3/1 LPC SI 3 to ca hołd to front pl;k3fromca 3/2 KPRC SI 2 to ca hołd to back. k3; [kl. pl) from ca 3/2 PKLC SI 3 to ca hdd to front, pl, kl; k3 from cn.

2/1/2 RPC SI 3 to ca hołd to back. k2. vl Ult H from cn to IM nccdlc and p łc k2 from cn. 2/1/2 LPC SI 3 to ca hołd to front. U; łl lau M from cn to LH nccdlc and p lt k2 from ca 3/1/3 RC SI 4 to ca hołd to back. k3; tl łait tł from en to LH nccdlc and k rt; k3 from ca

C iwtitwin



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x^s;//2(K i/i rn(

7.—XinK X Xłdlf / yisit*. is—"SiniK




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