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Skin Care


Cleaning the skin is important as it removes the dead cells from the surface of the skin. It will also remove the dust and dirt that chokes the pores on the skin. If the dust is allowed to accumulate. it can błock the pores thus blocking the secretion of the glands from coming to the top of the skin providing it with the weapons it need to fight against infections. toxic agents etc. It also gives the shine or glow to the surface of the skin.

Facial scrubs

Facial scrubs help clean the surface of the skin by removing the dead skins and the dirt mechanically. The best facial scrubs contains a mild abrasive. The coarseness of these abrasives vary. Since women spend considerably morę amounts of money and time on cosmetics and skin care. we would expect that their skin will be smoother and blemish free compared to that of men. However studies have found exactly the opposite.

These studies have found that men have fewer blemishes and smoother facial skin than women. Experts suggest that men are exfoliating their faces every day by shaving. The razor removes the top layer of dead cells daily. This allows the skin to breathe and eliminate waste much easier. This may explain why mens facial skin can be smoother than womens. Women can accomplish the same by using a mild abrasive scrub on their faces. every other day.

The right way to wash your face

1.    Moisten your face with water. Work up a lather by rubbing the soap between wet palms. Using your fingertips (not the bar of soap), massage the lather into your face and throat.

2.    Rinse thoroughly with a washcloth or with splashes of water. Take three times as much time for rinsing as you took for lathering. The important thing is that you remove all of the soap so any caustic it contains won't burn your face.

3.    Biot dry with a soft towel: vigorous rubbing with coarse materiał aggravates and tugs at your skin.


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