We include under the term “Exercise" proper diet and hygiene. There can be no growth where the blood supply is cut off. There can be no increase in the amount of vital tissue if the arteria! flow is smali, consequently, as the growth and deve!opment of a part depends on a generous amount of this life-bcaring fluid, the first thing to do is to send the blood there; but this is not suflicient, we must furnish rich blood; this, in tum, means a demand for and a supply of nourishing food. There must be no restriction of the parts. The respiratory apparatus which furnishes the oxygen must be in the best condition; hence do not cramp the lungs, breathe deeply. The digestiee and assimil-ative machinery furnishes materiał for the blood, conse-quently whatever interferes with their action will impover-ish the blood; do not thcrefore, be careless about your eating.
It will at once be secn that to secure the coveted “beautifu! neck,'' several other things besides exercise must be taken into consideration. On the other hand the gain will not be for the neck alone, but for the face and complexion. The eyes will become brighter, the coloring of the face morę beautiful, and the step morę elastic and springy. the carriage of the body morę qucenly, and youth will be renewed.
Mrs. Langtry well says: “Woman's beauty is vastly and permanently enhanced by daily exercise."
Health is the vttal principle of bliss.
And exercise, of healtb.