The exercises mentioned are for those who are not af-fiicted with any spinał eurvature beyond the slight lateral curvc, which is so common that sonie anatoinists believe it to be normal, and also for corrccting the bending forward of the spine from between the shoulders, producing what is known as kyphosis, or stooping shoulders.
A strong set of rauscles along the spine will greatly assist in keeping the chest arched and the head erect. In fact, if one is anxious to stand well, he must use the mus-cułar bands that run along both sides of the spinał column from the hips to the head.
The generał exercises for this group are these:
Ali straiglu arm movements of any kind taken when the face is to the Exerciser.
Ali baekward bending movements of the body.
When the body is bent forward and downward the muscles of the back raise it to a normal position.
The movements illustrated by the following figures will strengthen the back.