ape 078

ape 078




“Whcn 1 seeabout me in the field of Intellet tti.iI attainment and culture, in the wal ks ol business, and in the family lifc, so many dis-asters and tragedies long drawn out, of failing Health and collapse of nerye, brain, and musete, I feel that Health is the only bulwark upon which everything we prizc can eter be reared."—Hali..

Persons w ho enjoy ordinary Health will fiml the com-mon movements with the Excrciser sufficient to keep them in good condition, but those who suffer from some organie or funetional disorder will need special movements to help them.

It has been said, “ Why will not the daily occupations around the house and storę be sufficient." Because these movements soon become automatic and only affect certain portions of the human economy. Better is it that persons who suffer should take movenients that are termed gym-nastic, because of the special value attached to them. A motion is gymnastic in contradistinction to ordinary every-day movements when it has for its object the amelioration of the body.

The exercises following are specific, and have for their objcct the betterment of abnormal conditions.

The only way to be benefited is to persist in exercise. Spasmodic elfort will amount to little. If the disease has been a long time making itself known the reniedy will take many weeks to cure or alleviate.

Patience is a virtue here.



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