bash-3.1$ Is
Makefile filel.c file2.c main.c bash-3.1$ make
avr-gcc -c -mmcu=atmegal6 -I. -gstabs -Os -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -std=gnu99 main.c -o main.o
avr-gcc -c -mmcu=atmegal6 -I. -gstabs -Os -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -std=gnu99 filel.c -o filel.o
avr-gcc -c -mmcu=atmegal6 -I. -gstabs -Os -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -std=gnu99 file2.c -o file2.o
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmegal6 -I. -gstabs -Os -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -std=gnu99 main.o filel.o file2.o --output main.elf -Im avr-objcopy -0 ihex -R .eeprom main.elf main.hex avr-objcopy -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" \
--change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -0 ihex main.elf main.eep avr-objcopy: there are no sections to be copied! avr-objcopy: --change-section-lma .eeprom=0x00000000 never used make: [main.eep] Błąd 1 (zignorowany) bash-3.1$ Is
Makefile filel.c filel.o file2.c file2.o main.c main.elf main.hex main.o bash-3.1$ |