'THE 6S0 c c. engine io 1925cimr bark lo favour and rapidly bas grown to be the moil popular od tbe lighter twin lype*.
In 1926 thU model was entirely re desigMd. and the number of manufactureri who fi>tcd it during Ihat teaion and the inrreated number embodying it tor 1927 *p *ak*aato it* popularity.
lt i* the o.nly proprietary engine of ilł capaeity on the market.
A.C.U. Rating . - 6.80 H.P.
BORĘ - - • 70 mm
STROK.E • . . 88 m m.
CAPACITY - - 680 c c.
WEIGHT - - 70 Ib*.
5PECIFICATION Magneto Cha n Drive, Inlet Pipę. Aluminium Plstoos, J.A.P. Aluminium Valve Capi. Rollrr Bearing Big End and Pulley Side.
rTHIS wondcrful er.gine ba* stoodthe !e»ł of time.
and ii univer>ally acknowledged to be nn engine of the bigheit itandard wherever it goes.
It is world famtd for REL1ABIL1TY and LONG LIFE.
9.80 H.P. 85.7 m m, - 85 m m.
. 980 c c.
. 88 Ibs.
SPECIFICATION— Magneto Chain Caie. Magneto Chain. Magneto Platform. Magneto Sprocketa or Bevel Drive for Magneto. Inlet Pipę. Aluminium Pistoli!, Roller Bearing big er.d and Rotter bearing pulley łide.