The Solo Four
jpURTHER improvements are iocorparated in thi* engine. Il ia now Ihe aame *ł the p>eviout Sport* Model. New type cylinder and larger valvea haye becn iitted.
It is the most refined and amootbrunning engine o! il* ciast, but it i* al*o capablc ot high speeds.
A C.U Raling 5 00 H P. BORĘ - - 85.7 m m
STROKE - 85 m m
CAPAC1TY • 490 cc.
WE1GHT - 70 lbs.
SPECIFICATION. Magneto Chain Ca*e. Magneto Chain. Magneto Sprocket*, Magneto Phtform Inlet Pipę. Roller Bearing Sg end and pultey aide. Aluminium Puton.
The Combination Single
rJ'HE Sport* type o( Cylinder, Valvrs, &c, ha* btenadopted in this engin? also, thus making it even MORĘ EFFICIENT than before.
A PeRPECT Engine for Single Cylinder Combina-iion u*f.
A C.U, Rating 5 96 H.P.
BORĘ - - 85.5. m m
STROKE - 104 mm CAPACITY - 596 cc. WEIGHT - 70 Ibt.
SPECIFICATION—Magneto Chain Ca*e. Magneto Chain. Magneto Sprocket*. Magneto Platform, Inlet Pip?. Roller Bearing big «nd and Pulley *idr. Aluminium Piston.
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I live in a house in Olecko. The house is situated near the downtown. There are four bedrooms and onParadiddle Power9 Part 2: Snare Drum, Two Rack Toms, Large Tom Four drums are used in the next tenbild158 The TwinEight THE Waler cooled model like the Air-ooted * bas all the latesl refinement* ibild165 The 8/45H.P. Racing The holder of nearly all the World’s and British Records. Solo andbild167 The AZA Rangę These engines are manufactured in the J.A.P. Factory and are of łhe Two Strokbild170 The J.A.P. Gear Box TS manufactured in four sizes and thcrefore therc is a gear box for evepage11 (13) Rear Axle and Transmission (cxcept Sfandord Model) Transmission The four forward geors a00110 j0536f1d3dde674795a26861d044a40 110 McWilliams Table 2 are madę. In the case of sampling by aimg028 The letter Q is left as a design challengeThe Letters O & Q Thesc letters are tatted in fIMG@48 Podstawowe kwestie Some questions are asked in every round of the survey. Others are asked onare shaded in black. A distinct feature of arid upland regions in crystal-line rocks is the very protmta1 Planning and cutting a shirt or smock The pieces are simple in shape, so the following instruwięcej podobnych podstron