A MEW 1927 Model. Introduced lo meel (Se de mani for a moderately-priced 500 e.c O.H.V. machinę.
This Model bas already found faoour amongsl Ihe Manuticturera. many ot whom ha»e incorporated il ia Iheif 1927 programrae.
A.C.U. Rating 4.91 H.P. BORĘ . . 85.7 m m.
STROKE . 85 m m. CAPAC1TY . 490.6 c.c. WE1GHT . 75 lb.
SPECIF1CAT10N.—Magneto Chain Casc. Magr.eto Chain. Magneto Sprockets, Magneto Platform, Inlct Pipę, Roller Bearing big enl and pulley aide, Aluminium Pistoo.
ĄNOTHER 1927 Model. The popularity of tke famous 680 Sidc Valve Engine and ihe demand tor an O.H.V. Model of the same type. prompted us lo design Ihis engine.
Ali Manuladurers fitling the 680 S.V. Model aro also fitting this new engine.
AC U. Rating 6.75 H.P.
BORĘ . . 70 m m.
STROKK - 88 mm. CAPACH Y . 674.4 c.c. WE1CHT 95 Ib.
SPECIFICATION. Aluminium Piston. Magneto Chain Case, Magneto Chain. Magneto Platform. Magneto Sprockets. Roller Bearing Big Endacd Pulley S.de.