





Na mc of Part.    Price

2 15

2    15

3    10 3 10

7390 7389

7379 7397





6974 6703 6506 6276


7384 7229/1



7230 7423 7425 7233 7232

7231 LS 5



7387 7392 7444

7391 7238 7237 7257




Cylinder Burrcl (Front)

..    (Henr)    ........

„ Head (Front) ........

„    â€ž (Rear)    ........

Inlet Valvc, No. 21 x..........

F.xh’t Valve, No. 20 Valvc Guide

„ Collar (Top)

„ Split King............

„ End Cap............

„ Spring (Inner)..........

,,    â€ž Outer ..........

Rocker Lever (Front Inlet. Rear Kxhau»t)

„    â€ž    (Front F.xhaust. Rear Inlet)

..    .. Nut. i*. A/P ........

Bali End Adjuster

...... Nut, 7/10'. A/F......

Rocker Claniping Platcs, B.B. (Outsidc)

..    â€ž    .,    B.B. Insidc'

.. R.B. lOutside) ..

..    â€ž    ..    R.B. Inside)

.. Rollcr, 3./10'<|'..........

„ Race ..........

Buli Bearing (Hoffmann) ........

Bolt. 2 B.A.............

Nut, 2 B.A. ............

I.ubricator (Rotherham)

Cylinder Washer

„ Packing Washer Compression) ..

Bolt, 111/32' x 6.3/16' .. ,

„    â€ž Nut. I' A/FX*'£......

Screw l'x 15/10'......»

Inlet Union Nut. 1J'. A/Fx 1C/3*'......

„ Taper Collar ..........

N.R. Valvc Seat............

„    ,, Disc

Oli Union Body............

7388 7393 6638 1



..    .. Nut............

Inlet Plpc (Alum.) ..........

Piston lAlum.) 85m,ni

.. Ring ............

Cudgcon Pin

,,    ,, F.nd PÅ‚ug


7398    Forked Conn. Rod. 7}'. wlth I.lners......2    6 10

7399    Centro Conn. Rod, 7f', wlth Liner    .. 1 12    4

6526 Cudgcon Pin Bush    -    3    3

to the following points :—

Parts must be |>acked securely. and scnt, carriage paid, to our    t

Works. The namc and addrcss of Scndcr should be attached    $

to the contcnts. Instrnctions    should    l>c    sent    by    post.    i

detailing ilic requirements. and stnting delinilcly whcther . i the work is to be put in hand. or whcther an esiitnatc is    $

rcquircd. In the cvcnt of the latier. work will not be    i

started on umil we rcccivc detinite instrnctions to procecd. ' 5 An estitnatc may U; trcated as att imoice. and remittance    ;

to covcr will savc delay whcn the enginc is rcady for despatch.    i

A generaÅ‚ overhatil lakÄ™* npproxitnatcly 10 days to compiele,    $

but after our cxantinatinn the nccessary period can be statcd    $

morÄ™ accurately.    %

If one lialf of a crankcasc. or one tlywhcel.    is damagcd. the    i

opposilc lialf. or wheel. musi be returned    to us for lilting    j

purposes.    5.

Carriage is iii all cases to Ih: paid l»v the ciisloiners. Cascs    5

are charged on the invoicc and crcdited    if    returned    in    good    $

condilion. carriage paid.    %

;    NOTK. It is always advi>ablc to sond us thecnginc coinplete, in $

:    order    that we may test it ihorotighly on completion    of the ovcrhaul.    i

;    A    re|»aired cngine should be trcated in the same way as a new one,    $

* and should be run most carefully for the lir»t 200 miles. i    i


;    IVE Q U A HAN TEE. tubjeel to the eondiUant menUtned bitom, that all pteeauUont    ;

ichkh are uiual and reatonable haft been Inben by ui to tecure exeellenee af    ;

maltrialt and teorkmanthip ; bul ihlt guaranlee ii la txiend and bc in forte    i

fot Ihrtt monlht only ftom dale of purchate, and the damaget far uhićh ue    i

mabe oufjt/Å‚n retponsible under Ihit guaranie« are limiled la the replacemenl    j

i    af any parÅ‚ lehieh may haae proced defecllce.

$    WE UNDEHTAKE. tubieel ta the conditiont menlioned below. lo make good a! any    $

limÄ™ icithin three manlhi any Jefeclt in ihete retpeelt. At motor enginet are J easily liable lo derangemenl bt neglecl or mimie. I hit guaranlee doei not applyla defeth cauted by ieear-and-lear. ml tu te or neglect ! CONDITIONS OF Q U A HANTEE.—lf a defeetice part thould be faundin aur

i    intimation fram the tender that he detiret lo hace it repaired free of tharge.    i

under our guaranlee, and he muil aha furnith u* al the tamÄ™ limÄ™ uith the    $

numbet of ihe Engine, the name of Ibe Agenl ftom whom he purehated. and    '

the dale of Ihe. purchate. Failing compliancc irith the oboce. no notkÄ™ tlili be    {


again we oan l>c helped greally by aitention on che part of cnsiomcrs |

taken of anylhing tehith may orfice. bul ttich orlic let tcili lie het* al the ritk    \

of Ihe tender >. and Ihit guaranlee, or any tmplied guaranlee. shall nol be    i


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