

again we oan be helped greatly by attention on the part of customcrs to the fol łowing points :—

1.    Parts must be packcd sccurely. and sent, carriage paid, to our Works. The namc and address of Sender should be attached to the contents. Instructions should be sent by post, detailing tlić reÄ…uiremcnts, and stating dcfinitely whether the work is to be pul in band. or whether an estimate is required. In the cvent of the latter, work will not be started on until we receive definite instructions to procced. An estimate may be treated as an invoice, and remittance to cover will save delay when the cnginc is ready for despatch.

2.    A generaÅ‚ ovcrhaul takes approximatcly 10 days to complete. but after our cxamination the nccessary period can be stated morÄ™ accurately.

3.    If one half of a crankcase, or one flywhccl, is damaged. the opposite half. or wheel. must be returned to us for fitting purposes.

4.    Carriage is in all cascs to be paid by the customcrs. Cascs are chargcd on the imoice and credited if returned in good condition, carriage paid.

NOTĘ. It is always advisable to send us the engine complete, in order that we may test it thoroughly on completion of the overhaul. A repaired engine should be treated in the same way as a new one, and should be run most carefully for the first 200 miles.


WE Ä™UARANTEE, su bjecl to the eon Jutom mentioneJ belo*, that all preeautions ichich are umai anJ reasonoble hate been lal^en by us to secure excel!ence of materiaÅ‚* anJ workmanship ; but this guarantee is to exlend and be in fotce for three months only from datÄ™ of purchasc, and the Jamages for whlch we make oursehes responsible under thi, guarantee are limited to the replacement ofany part whkh may have proced defeclice.

WE UNDERTAKE. subject to the conditions mentioned below. to make good ot anp limÄ™ within three months any defects in these respecls. As motor engines are easily liable to derangemenl bp neglect or misuse, this guarantee does not apply to defects caused by wear-and-tear. misuse or neglect.

CONDITIONS OF QUAIiANTEE.—If a defeclice part should be found in our motor engines, it must be sent to us, carriage paid, and accompanied by an inlimation from the sender that he desires to haCe it repaired ftee of charge, under our guarantee. and he must also furnish us at the same limÄ™ with the number of the Engine, the namc of tbe Agent from whom he purchased, and the datÄ™ of the purchase.    Failing c,ompliance with the abooc, no nolice will be

taken of anylhing which may artice, bul ruch articles will lic herc at the ri*k of the senders, and this guarantee. or any implied guarantee. shall not be


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