

/ As ibi Humań skin Iias se vłn    i    Ł ’

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I oibfR, ?kt Aura is ikłuqh 10    © B

r I i» iik, oi Uyusoi    fl

i--' ColoURS wlłicll SURROUNtis lift

fNiiRf body. AccoRdiN^ly, aII buMAN btiNtjs    i

(aIonc, wilk aII orbiR livi.*«C| ibłN<(s) Uavi iltfiR UNioufly spici fic Aura. Tłu Aura can bf usdi Rsio tH AS AN tliaROMACjNEiic fiild of coIours wbicb FXIE>

10 lht RfAcb of ibf ouisiRt icbid arms. Ihis vibRAi Bk rfflp of ENERGY REpRISENIS lltf MOS1 Subllf foRM of txist.

.    \ ANd REACIS 10 Alt cflANO,Ł. CUiRVOyANTS ANd pSycbiCN

^ \ can see tIie Aura ANd maIu use of ibis spcciAl scNsiiiviry in ibeiR btAliNq Muttods. Morę commonIy i fu Aura is AckNOwfrdtjcd |||||^k    iN pftRASfs liki 'ffEli.Nq blut' or 'Rid wiib RAqt' or

'(*reen wiib envv'.


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