you to throw off diseascs likc waler olf a duck's back. that would cnable you to go out in all sorts of weather. exposed tocxtremes of beat and cold. to mingte with others wbo havc disease and still not catch it yourself?
PU'asc do not misunderstand mc. I do not mcan to claim that this system is all-pcrfcct. all-efficacious. I do not know
Boy Scomh Irmto mhal u fottd for them onj the correct portmre ideo room fmd» o place im tkeir frook of knomledge, a flet Capi. Rodriiue »' titil to thetr co mp.
as yet to what extent tbe conscientious practice of this mcthod of correct posturę will protect against such discases as smalt-pox. measlcs. or scarlct fevcr and many others which tako such a terrible toll of human lives. but I am convinced that evcn if it were possible for one of Captain Rodrigucs' posturę pupils to acquire one of these diseases. he would have bet ter rcsist-ancc against it. than if he were not a posturę advocatc.