FORE starting 10 tell the reader what to do to attain tlgMj correct posturc. I present a fcw pictures for you to look ovcr, on the nexi few pages. among which you will readily recognize your own form.
There are fivc different physiques — which we will describe as falling into five different classes—Classcs A. B. C. D and E. The second. B. third. C, and fourth. D. classes— are most frequent!y met with. so we will cxp!ain them first. as 90 per cent of the pcople can be found amongst them.
If you are in Class B, you are the thin typc (Anglo-Saxon typc i. considered the type of Iongevity, for the simplc reason that the Anglo-Saxon type does not accumulate fat tissuc. If you are not this type yourself. you probably know men and women built thus. and you will soon learn from them that my statements are correct concerning this race. No matter what they eat, how little or how much, their wcight seldom varies. However. there is a danger for the women and men in Class B devcloping into Class A. and it is my contcntion that most of the dangers thus developcd are due to incorrect posturę. The reader has but to look at the picture shown on first page, "incorrect and correct posturę." and hc will quick!y understand that correct posturc must be the best way to hołd one's body.
Class C has an easier task in att3ining posturc. This includes the woman or man of the average type (American type). secn everywhcre—healthy looking, but always worry-ing about their "tummy." which they hope soon to get rid