cp 68

cp 68

a school. Shoulders b.ick. head up, chin in, feet so and so stornach in. back this way. and many othcr unneccssary prac-tices. impossible for anyone. exccpt a fcw outstanding char-actcrs. toachieve.

This same complicatcd posturę training is taught in Amcrica's military schools.

West Point and Annapolis turn out fłrst class postura! effecls. Great improvement. however, could be madę. dimin-ishing ailments. such as colds, constipation. and othcr human ills, which are still prevalent.

In a school like West Point, or at Culver. Ind., sickncss should not be known. yet I was told that. during the late "Fiu" epidemie, the latter school was doscd on account of it.

MUSSOL.INI IN CLASS D—LINBERGH IN CLASS A. Mussolini would gain greatly if ho became acquainted with my system. His bearing is crect, but his posturę incorrect. King George of Englands posturę was nevcr good. nor Lind-bergh's. The latter could be improved wonderfully. and will surcly have ailments if hc continues as he is doing—slouching.

A world leader without posturę is like a lion without tccth. The people's respect is lessened by the thin man bent over without shape. or the fat one without poisc.

Clothing and Posturę

Put the finest and most expensive suit on a body without correct posturę or poise. and he or she looks badly—but a uniform. cvcn a Street-cleaner's outfit—on any of the West Point or Annapolis boys—makes them stand out amongst men.


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